Saturday, February 22, 2025

Rune Factory 5 Children and Adoption Guide – How to have children in Rune Factory 5

Marriage isn’t the only romance arc you can unlock in Rune Factory 5, you can also have children too.

For those returning to the franchise, this won’t be new information, but for newcomers, this will unlock a whole other dynamic to this quirky RPG. However, before you try to steam ahead there are several conditions you need to know about in order to start your family.

Yes, much like with marriage, the Rune Factory way is lined with set criteria that must be met. 

Don’t worry though, unlike with starting a relationship and getting hitched, there are not as many steps involved in becoming parents. Nevertheless, while you don’t have to do lots of mini-tasks, you do have to wait around to pass the time. This means calendar watching and short days are ahead for those who are interested in parenthood.

Rune Factory 5 Children and Adoption Guide – Starting The Family Process

We say process because it isn’t as simple as getting married and having babies. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, you’ll need to be married for at least 20 in-game days before broaching the subject of children. 

After you’ve waited the allotted time, when talking to your spouse they’ll mention wanting to have children, to which you can answer yes or no. If you’re not ready just yet, don’t worry, you can come back to the subject at a later date. After all, the Rigbarth way of life is relaxed and carefree once all the monsters are out of the way. 

Should you both be ready, the next steps will vary depending on whether you’re a same-sex or opposite-sex couple. Even though Rune Factory 5 is a fantasy game, same-sex couples can’t get pregnant and so need to take a different route. Not that the fantasy element isn’t too far away… but we’ll come back to that later. 

Rune Factory 5 Children
Getting Pregnant

If you’re in an opposite-sex marriage, once you’ve both decided you want children, you’ll need to wait two in-game weeks before progressing the storyline any further. Then, once you’ve waited, you need to talk to your companion to unlock a trip to the clinic, where you’ll learn whether you (or your partner) are pregnant. 

This is the part where you get to have a bit of input in what your firstborn is like – you’ll be able to choose if you want a boy or a girl (or you can say you have no preference), as well decide what personality they’ll have. In total, there are five different personalities to choose from, with each one impacting on their appearance. 


  • Charming
  • Active 
  • Quiet
  • Mature
  • Energetic

The personalities you can select from do depend on the gender you pick, assuming you choose at all. For example, only the boys can be charming, active, or quiet, while the girls are either mature, energetic, or quiet. 

After the magic of “making a baby” is taken care of, you’ll need to wait again, this time at least three in-game weeks. Honestly, it feels a little tedious and more cumbersome than necessary, but it doesn’t remove too much from the enjoyment of this part of the story. 

When those three weeks are up, you need to talk to your partner to initiate a cutscene for the baby to be born. You’ll then be able to change their name or choose your own before embracing life as a parent. 

Rune Factory 5 Children
Rune Factory 5 Children and Adoption Guide – Adoption for Same-Sex Couples

The word adoption is used very loosely here because the adoption process is nothing like real life. Instead, Rigbarth has a much more magical option in store for you. 

You still need to wait 20 days before the family conversation is available, only this time you’ll both comment on how your love for one another isn’t enough to just make a baby happen. This will then trigger your partner to suggest you talk to Captain Livia about your desire to become parents. 

Upon speaking with her, she’ll eventually mention an old legend about the Great Tree in the town plaza, which is said to grant miracles such as the one you’re looking for. A cutscene follows where you both visit the tree and make your wish. Sadly, you won’t get any results straight away, with you having to wait two weeks like with the pregnancy route before learning about your child. 

After making your wish, you need to talk to your spouse to select the gender and personality of your child. Again, these options are the same as above so nothing much changes there. Upon confirming your selection, the tree, or some other mystical entity, will inform the player that their wish has been accepted.

Please be aware that the longer you leave it to talk to your spouse to make these options, the longer you’ll have to wait for your baby to arrive. My advice is to do it as soon as possible. 

Then you wait three in-game weeks before talking to your companion, which will trigger a scene where you’ll watch your little bundle of joy float down to you from the big tree. In my opinion, it’s a lot more entertaining to go this route than the pregnancy one. 

Rune Factory 5 Children
Image source
Rune Factory 5 Children and Adoption Guide – Having More Children

It may sound like rushing ahead, but the question of more children may already be on your mind. If it is, fear not because you can have more children in Rune Factory 5. However, for you to put the wheels in motion, you’ll need to wait a whole in-game year before going through the whole process again. 

Only this time with a slight twist… you’ll have twins! And in doing so, reach the three-child game limit. Still, there’s nothing like a surprise, or two, to keep you on your toes. 

Important Children Details

Now you have your wonderful little family, there’s a few little tidbits of information you might like to know about your children. Specifically about them growing up, your relationship with them, and so on. 

To make parenting as simple as possible, your baby ages up really fast – in a short amount of time your child will reach the age of five and then stop aging. They’ll then remain a five-year-old for the rest of the game. 

Another piece of trivia worthy of note is that your first child will have the same color hair as the protagonist, while the twins will have the same color hair as your spouse. It doesn’t impact the game any further than that, but it’s a nice little touch. 

Lastly, you’ll be able to take one of your children on adventures, with them able to fight alongside you. However, notice how I emphasized one? That’s because only a single child can be part of your party at any time.

There you have it, you now have a blissful life in Rigbarth, with a spouse and children in tow. What you do next is completely down to you.  

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