Saturday, March 1, 2025

Life is Strange: True Colors Guide – Find Rye Whiskey for Duckie

Life is Strange: True Colors is an emotional tale filled with decisions and hardships, but it’s also full of people who need your help, such as when Alex is asked to help find the prized rye whiskey for Duckie in Chapter 1.

After helping with Duckie and Diane’s order, Alex is presented with the opportunity to find Duckie’s prized rye whiskey. It’s for Duckie’s usual drink of choice but it’s nowhere to be found when Jed looks behind the bar. Jed says Duckie and Gabe partied long after close upstairs in Gabe’s apartment. Jed offers Deputy Pike up as a possible lead as well. 

Stop by the Jukebox to chat with Steph now that she’s not working. It’s the perfect time for a proper introduction. She’ll also invite you to play a guessing game set around albums at the jukebox. 

There are several variations for the guessing game but it’s easy enough if you listen and pay attention. Don’t forget you can get a recap before you choose an answer. It’s a fun game between two new friends regardless of the outcome. There’s also some great dialogue between Alex and Steph.

Life is Strange Duckie Whiskey

After speaking with Steph and learning more about Jed’s accomplishments and history, head toward the back of the bar. Clear the empty beer bottles off the table. Mac should approach you to offer up an apology before he asks Alex to lie about the fight on his behalf. Handle this however you see fit and then head back toward the bar area after Riley leaves. 

Speak with Deputy Pike at the bar or when he approaches you for a lighthearted conversation. He’ll offer to buy Alex a drink to welcome her to Haven. When you’re ready, approach the bar and speak with Pike. He recommends checking Gabe’s Wall of Shame, which is over on the wall next to the Spooked Patron. 

There are some polaroids that may contain some helpful clues. Interact with the photos to get closer to the truth and find the missing whiskey. Now with the newfound clue, head upstairs and check the couch. The whiskey for Duckie is hiding inside the couch – life sure is hella strange. Interact with the couch cushions to trigger a cutscene where Alex hands over Duckie’s rather bitter drink. Speak with Jed when you’re all finished working to trigger the next scene in Chapter 1.

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