Sunday, March 16, 2025
Games NewsNews

Apex Legends reveals Legacy gameplay trailer

As of late Apex Legends only seems to be getting bigger and better, and that doesn’t look like to change if the Legacy gameplay trailer was anything to go off on.

Players and fans already met Kairi Imahara, aka Valk, last week at the release of a Story of the Outlands video Northstar. For some, it was the reveal of a legend that offered a new, exciting backstory and character abilities. For others, it was the Titanfall 2 connection they’d been looking for. After all, Valk was revealed to be the daughter of Valkyrie, an antagonist in the 2016 first-person shooter game.

The launch trailer for Legacy was also revealed last week, showing off Valkyrie’s ability of flight, as well as the new weapon coming to Apex, the Boceck Bow. It also hinted at the reveal of the Arena, a new game mode that, as we talked about before, lives up to Respawn’s promise of moving Apex Legends away from being just a battle royale game.

Well, thanks to the new Apex Legends gameplay trailer for Legacy, not only do we know more about Valkyrie’s abilities and ultimate, but have the full run-down of the new game mode: 3v3 – a mode that lets Legends use custom maps in order to battle against another team for a number of different rounds.

Legends will have a certain number of points in the Pre-Match. During that time, they can use these points to get certain weapons, as well as buy abilities. However they’ll have to spend material points wisely, as nothing will be kept for the next round. Exciting!

This is the game’s biggest update yet, and we’re stoked to see and play the new game mode when it releases with the Apex Legends Legacy season update on May 4th.

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