Gayme of the Week: Last Minute Love

In a world where nursing homes are being ravaged by a virus, where governments are able to turn a blind eye to the deaths there, Last Minute Love is the sort of sweet, enchanting escapism that we need right now.
Created by Philip Cal, you play as a disabled, elderly resident who gets around in a wheelchair and, most importantly, wants to spend the last few years of their life with someone they love. Thankfully, you have five people to choose from and all of them are ready to commit to something serious with you.
The first resident you come across is Ms. Mao, a lady who loves writing, art and, of course, is what you may consider to be your ‘cat lady’ of the group. Considering she has more than a few cats hanging around in her room, it isn’t too much of a stress. The second is Mr. Taylor, a grumpy gentleman who, in all fairness, seems to be in a lot of pain due to his leg and from the painful memories of the war. But thankfully, your presence seems to help. Even if it is only a little.
Then there is Nurse Wiebe, a cheery, young carer whose bright personality, but forgetful nature, can cause some issues. Mx. Demayo is an anarchist rockstar, who wants to show off her inner lone wolf through the use of punk music. And who can forget Ms. Leon, the take-no-shit gardener? No matter who you are, you’ll find someone to love.

What I personally love about Last Minute Love is the variety of different people you meet in this nursing home. I also like that it just gives a place that’s often – rather stereotypically, may I add – as a boring, dreary establishment, a jovial and wacky atmosphere.
Getting to know these five residents through picking up things and showing them, is also pretty nice. One of the first things I picked up is the cat poop, because why not, and showed everyone. Some recoiled in the way I expected them to, others however, acted…weirdly hungry about it? Either way, it’s a fun way to progress a story for a really short game.
Did I mention that it’s gay? Oh. It’s gay. Super gay, if I had to put a super in there somewhere.
If you’re interested in Last Minute Love, and want to kiss some fabulous oldies, then check out the game for yourself over on