Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Gayming Podcast – Episode 14 with special guests Gary Adrian Randall and Jason Moriarty

The Gayming Podcast Episode 14 has dropped and is an episode of loud gossip and artistic beauty!

At the top of the episode I’m joined by our deputy editor, Aimee Hart, and Uppercut’s Caitlin Galiz-Rowe to review games we’ve played and stories we’ve read. If I could describe it one word, it’d be this: chaotic. Later, I’m joined by my special guests Gary Adrian Randall, and Jason Moriarty, creators of the highly artistic mobile game Enter The Reveries.

What’s in Your Slot?

In what has now become the standard opening to the What’s In Your Slot segment, we have our usual Animal Crossing debrief. We talked about our islanders, and how Aimee, in particular, is unable to remember the names of all those islanders she wants off her island. At least she doesn’t want to bomb the raccoons, unlike a certain someone…

As for Caitlin and Aimee, Caitlin has been having fun being a rowdy pirate by day, and Sith apprentice by night in their time playing Sea of Thieves and Star Wars: Force Unleashed. Even Aimee has been doing something apart from playing Dragon Age 2! I couldn’t be more proud.

Gayming News

Further into the episode, we talked about what we’ve been reading on Gayming Magazine recently.

Caitlin spoke about Aimee’s piece on how there are several video game tutorials that make more sense than the UK’s COVID-19 guidelines, which got a chuckle out of us all. It did quickly spiral into politics, but we promise that there is gayming goodness too!

Aimee talked about her own piece about Animal Crossing’s Redd and Tom Nook being exes, as well as how fandom is an important tool for the LGBT community.

I then finished up talking about my dream cast for the Borderlands movie, which both Aimee and Caitlin commented on. We all had something to say about Ruby Rose’s inclusion too!

Special Guest

To round off the podcast, I was joined by my special guests for this episode, Jason Moriarty and Gary Adrian Randall, the makers of the beautiful mobile game Enter The Reveries.

We opened by talking about lockdown life, with Gary in Colorado and Jason in New York City. Denver and New York are two big differences, but there’s a lot of shared experience with this crazy time.

Gary and Jason are best friends since sophomore year of college, so I asked them about how working with your best friend has worked out. It seems to be a great combination of two opposite friends constantly pushing one another in their own way and finding a great medium ground.

I asked where the game Enter The Reveries came from and we found out where the initial concepts came from, which involved a drunken sexy clown photoshoot! The game as a very strong LGBTQ flavour and we talked more about the importance of how this was built in from the ground up.

We spoke about the significance of this being a mobile game and how it is proof that mobile games can be artistic. This moved into the “is mobile gaming, really gaming” debate and how Enter The Reveries fits in.

The beauty of Enter The Reveries is found in the unique hand drawn art style and we spoke about how important that was in defining the game’s unique style. We also talked more about the future of the game and how future levels will be designed by other LGBTQ indie artists.

Enter The Reveries is an official Honoree at the 2020 Webby Awards… not that Gary believed it to start off with!

To find out more about Enter The Reveries, check out

Listen to the full episode below, as well as on Spotify, Stitcher and Apple Podcasts. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!

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