Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Pokemon Direct had a mouse cursor in it, but really? It’s not that Deep

Hey gaymers, did you know that Pokemon Direct had a mouse cursor in one of the trailers shown for the upcoming Pokemon Sword and Shield expansion DLCs? No? Well, neither did I until today because I was more focused on the actual content being shown rather than looking for things to nitpick about.

Anyway, thanks for that NintendoSoup.

Recently there was a Pokemon Direct. We covered it here on Gayming Magazine, and it showed off all the amazing new content coming to Pokemon fans. Pokemon Sword and Shield has been thrown under the bus many times since it was first revealed, and we all remember that National Dex argument, now don’t we?

It isn’t the first time that a mouse cursor has appeared in Pokemon Sword and Shield, however. During the intro and outro of the game, a cursor has been spotted for a brief moment before it whisks off-screen. There’s no real explanation for why this happened, but a few fans have a well thought out idea on why Game Freak allowed this mistake to happen: they hate the fans and are just in it for the money.

As you can see, it’s a very well thought out argument and most certainly takes into account crunch, as well as all the intricacies and difficulties of what it takes to make a game.

Jokes aside, this new point of controversy is that this mouse cursor appearing in the DLC trailer has led to an outcry about Game Freak being lazy or ‘worse than EA’.

Now don’t get me wrong, a mouse cursor shouldn’t have been included in the game and – as far as I know – has yet to be patched out. That should be fixed, but is it really the end of the world? Is it really proof that Game Freak doesn’t care about it’s fans and are just a bunch of greedy men and women who thrive off your cries of anguish? I highly doubt it.

Yes, perhaps I shouldn’t have even bothered writing about this and giving it the attention it doesn’t really deserve. But a part of me wants to talk about this ludicrous narrative that’s going around about how games have to be perfect before launch. It’s just not possible anymore, thanks to having to meet a certain date of submission, overwhelming amounts of crunch, the constant shifting of engines and console expectations, and the pressure that social media has brought with its mere existence.

You may find it hard to believe, but this isn’t just a Pokemon issue and Game Freak most certainly did not sit down to include a mouse cursor in a trailer – or game – to rile you up.

The issue is the way we interact with our media is changing – and honestly? Not for the better.

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