Kitty Powers: Just The Tip!
Hello kittens! It’s Kitty here again with my new advice column ‘Just the Tip’ with me Kitty Powers as your resident dragony aunt!
I’ve taken time out from my regular job of developing and starring in video games (check out to answer some of your burning questions from the last few weeks!
As you know I’m a relationship expert, and I’ve been around the block a few times, so my gaming history goes all the way back to the first home computers! I’m a big movie buff and I have a fair bit of makeup and cosplay experience too, so pretty much any nerdy question is appropriate!
So without further ado, let’s get on with answering some of your burning questions:
If I want to replace men in my life all together, what three games do you recommend? Robert, Kent, UK
Well Robert, why stop at three? If you’re swearing off of men for the rest of eternity you’ll probably get though several console generations I’d imagine.
I’d say you probably want a game that will last a while and has a lot of saucy action in it.
Here are my three top tips for a lifetime of celibacy:
Game 1 would be Dragon Age. The one with the big sexy demon in it. When he slaps your backside you’ll know about it!
Game 2 would be Witcher 3, as it’s incredibly long and who doesn’t want to follow Geralt of Rivia around waiting for him to strip (again).
Game 3 would be Skyrim, because it’ll last forever and although it’s not very saucy it does have the word rim in the title.
I hope that helps! If you manage to 100% all three of those you’ll be collecting your pension I expect so job done!

What was the last game that truly made your wig fly off?! Rochelle, New York
Well Rochelle, my wig is held on by industrial strength spirit gum and Bobby pins so it won’t go anywhere, but the last game that thrilled me the most was probably P.T., which was the demo for the Silent Hill game by Hideo Kojima that never got made. It was so terrifying I could only play it in short bursts with the lights on. You know a horror game is good when you get through an entire drawer full of knickers to finish it.

How many hours of playing Red Dead Redemption 2 is too many? It’s not my fault, I just love a cowboy! David, Scotland
Don’t we all David, don’t we all. Personally I prefer a man that’s had a wash sometime in the last day or two though. Cowboys are incredibly stinky, so just be glad that video games don’t do smell-o-vision yet.
I would say as long as you can hold down a job, and spend some quality time with your friends and family on a somewhat regular basis, as well as do a little housework and feed the cat, you’re not playing it too much.
Don’t forget though that you do need to feed and bathe yourself and occasionally get dressed.

Which Daddy did you love the most from Dream Daddy? Bernie, London
Hello Bernie. Did you not read my in-depth review of Dream Daddy here on Gayming Magazine? I must insist you go and read it immediately and then come back and finish this article.
Ok so now that’s done, I would probably say that I didn’t play it enough to sample all of the Daddies in the game, but I did gravitate towards the slutty alcohol abuser who’s name I don’t even remember. Which just about summarises my experience with most Daddies!
Of course now I’m a married woman and have a lovely husband so that kind of behaviour is long gone, but we all have to go through it at some point. Tell me Bernie, which Dream Daddy was your favourite?
This question is also our winning question of the week! Your fabulous prize is coming straight to you, Bernie, by email!

Anyway that’s all for this instalment of ‘Just the Tip’ with me, Kitty Powers. Don’t forget to check out my video games at and also send me your questions for next time!
Email them to and the best question will win a prize!
Love, Kitty Powers xoxo