Friday, October 18, 2024

UK teen is saved from seizure thanks to his friend – all the way in Texas

Gaming with friends one of the best thing about multiplayer games. In fact, they can lead to lifelong friendships with people from other countries, and sometimes even marriage. Gaming really is just that powerful, and for 17-year old UK teen Aidan Jackson, it ended up saving his life.

Jackson is an avid gamer, and plays Battlefront 2 with his friend from Texas, Dia Lathora, 20. As Sky News reported, it was during a session playing together that Jackson went to lie down on his bed after “feeling funny”, turning the mic towards him so he could still speak to Lathora.

His silence alarmed Lathora, who suspected that her friend was having a seizure. Issuing a call straight from the US to the public safety in Widnes, Chesire, Lathora explained what was going on and sent police and an ambulance straight to the UK teen’s door.

It was a good thing she did too, as it was completely unknown to Jackson’s parents that their son was having a seizure just upstairs.

“The first we knew of it, two police cars arrived out front,” Caroline Jackson, Jackson’s mother, said. “We had a look thinking they were going elsewhere and then they started to run up our path.” The police then told Mrs Jackson that their was reported to be an unresponsive male in the house.

As for Jackson, he had no idea that he was having a seizure at all. He told Sky that the “next thing I knew, I was waking up with police and my parents in my room, saying that I’d just had a seizure.”

The Jackson family, as well as Aidan himself, are grateful for Lathora’s help. It just goes to show that gaming isn’t such a negative thing really, and it in fact, can save lives.

Source: Sky News

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One thought on “UK teen is saved from seizure thanks to his friend – all the way in Texas

  • Nice! Btw, gaming is saving my life too like all the time, I prefer to play games than to drink alcohol or do drugs…

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