Streamer Spotlight: TeaAndToastie
TeaAndToastie is a bisexual tea and rat enthusiast with a penchant for Pokémon.
In our latest Streamer Spotlight, sponsored by Sneak, we got to chat with him about how he got into streaming, tea, rats, and more!
How did you get into video games/streaming?
I have always had a passion for games from a young age and loved getting lost inside other world / story. I started streaming because I wanted to share my passion for games and I always use to speak while I played alone so thought I might as well let others hear my random thoughts.
What is your favorite thing to stream?
Pokémon, during the summertime I mainly moved my content to become a Pokémon streamer. I love doing shiny hunts with my community or a random nuzlocke challenge and with the release of Scarlet and Violet, I have some pretty interesting challenge runs to complete next year.
What can people expect from your stream?
Cosy chaos, my streams / community are very welcoming. We are a community who is very inclusive from all different walks of life. We can have really deep talks about a lot of different topics and we can also just provide an escape for others who just wants a laugh and to switch off.
How has your experience as an out LGBTQ+ streamer been?
Since coming out fully last year to everyone it has been a bit everywhere, mostly people being supportive and wonderful. It has opened my eyes up to a whole wonderful world of amazing people who I now get to call my friends, but it has also showed me the ugly side of people. This year before Pride I got told that Pride is just “shoving it down straight people throats” and I have been told that I don’t look like I am part of the LGBT. But it has been mostly a great experience from a whole host of supportive people.

What do you do outside of streaming?
I have 6 rats that keep me very busy during the evening times and when I am not streaming I am either relaxing binge watching a tv show or trying to build comp teams on Pokémon with very little success.
What do you enjoy the most about streaming?
The connection I get with others, how one day you can talk to this person and suddenly a few weeks later you are friends / best friends with them and its like you’ve never not known them. The communities that can be built on twitch are some of the best places I have ever been in my life.
What have you learned about yourself through streaming?
That I can’t sing haha. I have found my confidence again in myself, back in 2017 I was diagnosed with BPD and it hit me hard and heavy BUT I have been working hard on myself since 2020 and I see me again for the first time in a long time I see ME. I still struggle on days but I struggle now with confidence in coming through the other side.
What’s your main goal as a streamer for the future?
To build more on the amazing community that is being built around me in my spaces on the internet, I want to raise awareness for BPD as an open BPD streamer and do more charity events close to my heart.
What are you looking forward to most this year?
I haven’t really thought about what I am looking forward to in 2023, I guess to work with more streamers and if Pokémon releases DLC or a new game. I would love to also go to TwitchCon next year.
To find out more about TeaAndToastie, head on over to his Twitch channel.