Wednesday, March 12, 2025

NYC Gaymers release Call to Action for Texas trans youth

NYC Gaymers have released a call to action against the recent harrowing political decisions in Texas regarding trans youth lives.

NYC Gaymers‘ mission is to empower gamers across the intersections of orientation, identity, expression, race, and ability, in order to uplift and center their most marginalized community members through education, advocacy, and the creation of safer spaces.

On this mission, they are calling out Gov Abbot in Texas and offering to support to all trans people and their families with this Call to Action.

Support Trans Youth – NYCG Call to Action

“To all trans youth out there, I would like to say respect yourself and be proud of who you are. All human beings deserve equal treatment no matter their gender identity or sexuality. To be perceived as what you say you are is a basic human right.” – Andrej Pejic

On 02/22/2022, Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, officially directed Family and Protective Services to begin investigating all trans children in Texas, and prosecuting their parents as child abusers. He has also instructed all teachers, doctors, and caregivers to begin reporting any trans students they suspect.

Imagine being a mandated reporter and being told by your elected official, in agreement with the state’s Attorney General, and co-signed by several local and statewide politicians, that you must report any Youth you suspect (or have knowledge of) has gender-affirming supportive parents/guardians.

Imagine being a parent, supporting your child and wanting nothing more than for them to be able to live life authentically and free from harm, only to be unduly labeled abusive and to potentially have them removed from your home. 

Imagine being an LGBTQIA+ Youth who goes to school and explores safety and community, only to be outed by a faculty member to your conservative parents. 

After reproductive rights were put in danger, after states have been erasing racial history in their classrooms, after Florida’s proposed ban on talking about queerness in schools, this is yet another way that lawmakers and politicians are hurting our community.

It is for these reasons we believe it to be essential that we hold each other accountable throughout gaming communities, and uplift resources and strategies that amplify how LGBTQIA+ Youth are accessing safer spaces. There are Youth that look to online gaming and virtual platforms to connect, build friendships, find mentors, share resources, and cultivate safe spaces to exist without fear of retaliation or outing.

We expect streamers, community leaders, and influencers to reflect on your space agreements, and whether you’re prepared to be a space where our Youth may claim safety and connect without fear. We call upon our partner organizations and sibling Gaymer organizations to use your platforms to advocate for LGBTQIA+ Youth, as an attack on Trans Youth is an attack on all of us, regardless of your geolocation or proximity.

At NYC Gaymers, we believe that the Y in Gaymers means “You Belong”. WIth a Board of Directors that reflects the diverse community that calls for our advocacy, we are committed to exploring how we can continue to decolonize the tools of oppression and reforge them into tools of solidarity and resistance building a brighter future for our Youth.  We regularly connect with stakeholders creating change throughout marginalized communities. 

NYC Gaymers is always ready to facilitate discussions on being an aspiring ally with marginalized communities and their intersections throughout gaming. We have board members and volunteers with experience in facilitating workshops, training, and discussions through an anti-oppressive framework, inclusive of gender, race, sexuality, types of attractions, disability, age and serostatus. We are open to connecting and/or partnering with organizations that wish to further advocate for Trans Youth throughout Texas and across the world, where we can work together to create change. 

If you would like to connect with local organizations supporting Trans Youth in Texas, we encourage you to review the following resources provided by community members and aspiring allies across social media. We thank you for your advocacy, and wish to amplify your action steps. We also call upon any Gaming community or organization throughout Texas, inviting you to share with us who you are and how we can support and uplift you, in creating and sustaining safer spaces for LGBTQIA+ Youth. Shout-out to Houston Gaymers, you’ve been doing the work for years, and we stand with you in solidarity.


By Raffy Regulus, Ben Thwaite and Robert Lopez for NYC Gaymers

You can learn more about and support NYC Gaymers at and

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