Saturday, March 15, 2025
Games News

Dead by Daylight brings art to death with Portrait of A Murder chapter

Dead by Daylight brings a new kind of art into the Fog with the Portrait of a Murder chapter. The chapter comes with a brand new Killer and Survivor, The Artist, and Jonah Vasquez.

The Artist, also known as Carmina Mora, and Jonah were introduced earlier this month, with Jonah being the very first Mexican American character added to Dead by Daylight.

Both new characters have their very own tragic backstory as the reason why they’ve been brought into the Entity’s realm. Jonah was snatched by the Entity after he followed the numbers that had been plaguing him since a young age, coming across a deserted graveyard. However, for The Artist, her reason for being brought to the world of death and destruction hasn’t been made all that clear. What we do know is that the Entity is using her, as it does with all its other Killers, in order to sow deep despair to the Survivors it kidnaps.

The Artist and Jonah Vasquez come with 3 unique perks that players can unlock for other Killers and Survivors through the blood web – an in-game leveling system.

The Artist’s perks are Grim Embrace, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, and Hex: Pentimento.

Jonah’s perks are Overcome, Corrective Action, and Boon: Exponential.

Source: Behaviour Interactive

Crows have been a staple in Dead by Daylight since the very beginning, but Portrait of a Murder brings the very first Killer that actively uses them as part of her power. With her Birds of Torment power, The Artist is able to summon wraith-like crows to harm the Survivors she goes up against. She is also able to use her crows to swarm Survivors, allowing her to see and reveal the location of her prey.

“Birds have borne a very powerful sense of fear and fascination throughout the history of horror, so The Artist is for us a love letter to the genre. Portrait of a Murder very effectively spurs in Survivors’ minds the distress of being prey to a flock of crows that could peck their flesh away at any instant,” explains Dave Richard, Creative Director of Dead by Daylight. “And to add density to this feeling of uneasiness, we convey fans to the weirdest and most nightmarish map we’ve created so far. I truly couldn’t have hoped for a more perfect mix for our players.”  

The map in question is the Forsaken Boneyard, an abandoned Chilean graveyard inspired by the fascinating world of surrealist artwork. It is also, assumingly, the last place that The Artist saw before she was taken by the Entity.

In other Dead by Daylight news, fans who are feeling a little, shall we say epic, will be glad to know that Dead by Daylight is making its way to the Epic Games store on December 2 at 11AM EST. To celebrate this arrival, the Dead by Daylight base game will be offered to fans to claim for free on the Epic Games Store from December 2 to December 9. And guess what? It’ll be yours to keep forever.

Dead by Daylight – Portrait of a Murder is available to purchase and play now on PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

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