Sunday, March 16, 2025

12-year-old gamer calls out homophobia on TikTok — ends up going viral

We know and you know that being part of the LGBTQ+ community can mean going up against some really close-minded, and sometimes dangerous, people. But a clip showing TikTok user @BummbleBee__’s brother not standing for his friend’s homophobia has left us feeling hopeful for the future generation.

The clip, which went viral on TikTok and earned just under 210k lines, 6000+ comments, and nearly 4700 reshares. In it, BummbleBee’s brother can be seen playing Call of Duty: Warzone, and while the kid is doing pretty well in-game, the argument that he seems to be in with his friend is far more intense.

“So, you just blatantly admit to being homophobic?” The boy asks his friend through the headset. When said friend seemingly confirms that they are, the brother then asks the friend if they realize that means they ‘automatically don’t like [them]’. He goes on to state that the reason for this is because being homophobic is “f*cked up.”

The exchange continues for a while as the two friends continue to play together. The brother asks his friend “to promise that you’re actually joking”. A pause and then he reveals to his friend that his sister, who is filming this exchange between the two, is a lesbian. It’s here that the first clip ends, which you can see below.

However, that isn’t the end of this discussion between the brother and his friend. In a second TikTok clip, captioned as ‘that’s my boy’, the brother continues to talk to his friend about his homophobia, standing up not just for his sister, but LGBTQ+ rights as a whole by trying to explain what the acronym stands for.

The brother even talks more about trans issues, and how being trans “doesn’t mean your gay”. He ultimately tries to explain that what people do with their own bodies is their own decision, and reiterates that he does care and “wants” to have this argument because his friend’s homophobia is “f*cked up”.

Overall, it’s a touching clip to witness. It highlights something which LGBTQ+ gamers and the community as a whole already knew: that discrimination is still rife, even within spaces you want to simply just exist in. Nonetheless, there is something positive to take from the clip too: that the future looks bright for our community if we have people like Bummblebee’s brother standing up for what is right.

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