Friday, March 14, 2025
Games NewsNews

Dead by Daylight buffs Pyramid Head by giving him his ass back

EDIT: I’ve been informed that the buff to the ass of Pyramid Head is not currently in-game.

I’ve always prided myself on writing news that I know will appeal not just to our lovely readers over here at Gayming Magazine, but to everyone as a whole. That, of course, includes news about Pyramid Head and the developers over at Dead by Daylight giving him his ass back.

Yes, we’re referring to something which has been labelled by fans as ‘the worst thing to happen in 2020’ – the disappearance, or nerf, of Pyramid Head’s ass back when he was revealed during Dead by Daylight’s 4th-anniversary event. Of course, the developers over at Behavior Interactive have denied that they had anything to do with the nerf to the ass of Pyramid Head in the first place, but fans have remained unconvinced.

As you can see, there might be a reason why appreciators of Pyramid Head and his thicc cake were a little dismayed to see that it had disappeared from sight. Even if the developers hadn’t actively nerfed his ass, the lack of…booty is hard to deny.

In a statement to Polygon, Behavior Interactive’s Mathieu Cote had this to say about the ass nerf at the time of Pyramid Head’s release.

“I can confirm that while our art team did continue to polish Pyramid Head, his butt remained untouched. The apron covering his body was modified, which might create the illusion that his body was also changed. We leave it up to our players to discuss, at length, whether the change in garment has had a significant impact on his butt and how that will affect his performance as a killer.”

Still, a year has passed and the ass has not yet been changed in any meaningful way. Until the 5.1.1 bugfix patch that was revealed today, where among other things, players noticed that finally their prayers had been answered in the form of a single sentence: “[F]ixed an issue that caused The Executioner’s rear to be too flat.”

My friends, my comrades, my fellow queers in arms… I only have one thing to say.

I love to see it.

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