Sunday, March 16, 2025
Games NewsNews

Sonic furry porn floods Trump social network platform GETTR

Now that’s a headline you don’t see every day. But yes, it’s true that Sonic the Hedgehog (and the furry porn that follows the blue squirt) has made quite the entrance on GETTR – a social network platform that the Trump team released last week. How so? Well, let’s just say that those actually looking for furry porn of Sonic will be in a rude awakening this week.

As reported by Kotaku, GETTR was released (very quietly) last week and is pretty much a clone of Twitter but for people who are REAL AMERICANS and believe in the patriotic state. Or something like that. As Kotaku also stated, seems like the platform was created by “grifting enablers” to us… But, we digress.

The platform launched, and while people did indeed join the platform to show off how damn patriotic they are, it also opened the way for an absolute sleuth of gay, furry Sonic the Hedgehog porn. And lots of it. And we’re not just talking about the regular ol’ porn, there were feet pictures, vore, and even some memes about Sonic getting pregnant by his friend, Tails.

It’s quite obvious that those posting these memes and images have embraced GETTR as their own personal stinking ground, making sure that for whoever is unironically on the platform, it’ll be a hellish place to navigate due to the amount of Sonic porn on there. According to Vice, QAnon and other members of GETTR are indeed getting sick of seeing Sonic’s massive dong flail everywhere they go.

The response to GETTR has been nothing short of hilarious, in all honesty. And it’s become obvious that some things just aren’t meant to go together, and Trump and social media are one of those things. The actor and businessman that once appeared in Home Alone 2 no longer has a place on Twitter due to his constant false statements that caused significant damage to not only his own withering reputation but to the people around him.

Yet Trump isn’t on GETTR, either. At least, not publically. Though if he is a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, there’s a chance that’ll change sometime soon.

Trump picture sourced by Gage Skidmore

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