[EXCLUSIVE] Meet Theo Randall – the non-binary artist behind the unique Tell Me Why vinyl cover
Tell Me Why was a game that sparked a thunderous amount of discussion when it was first revealed back in November, 2019, largely in part due to one of its main protagonists being trans. It has since won numerous awards, and now Tell Me Why has its own vinyl, created via a collaboration between iam8bit and fiber artist, Theo Randall.
The vinyl comes with 17 tracks from the OST of Tell Me Why, beautifully scored by Ryan Lott. That alone makes the vinyl a must for fans of Tyler and Alyson Ronan, but the music is accentuated perfectly by the quilt-themed cover art, intricately detailed with tactile embossing, wool, yarn, thread, and so much more.
We had the opportunity to speak to Theo Randall, the non-binary artist behind the Tell Me Why vinyl cover to not only get their thoughts about DONTNOD’s award-winning game, but their collaboration with iam8bit, what it’s like to be a fiber artist, and what they hope working on the cover will teach artists and fans alike.
Hi Theo, thanks for speaking to us. Could you explain what a fiber artist is and how did you get into using fiber for art?
A fiber artist is someone who creates using fiber materials such as yarn, wool, fabric, thread, etc. Personally, I quilt and crochet. I love creating and am always down to take on a new challenge, so that is how I got into both arts. Crochet I picked up because I wanted to make myself a blanket in undergrad; the blanket turned out very wonky and uneven but I still have it and love it. Quilting is the same, I wanted to make myself a quilt, I always loved how they looked and felt so I asked for a sewing machine for Christmas and quilted the whole thing by hand on the same tiny machine.

What are your thoughts and feelings about Tell Me Why?
I played through the whole game in one weekend, it was incredible! It helped that it was the genre of game I already enjoyed but the addition of the Trans character and storyline was what put it over the top for me. As a Trans person, I felt that the representation of that journey, the characters’ emotions, the awkwardness, and even the microaggressions from the other characters, were so true to life it gave me chills at some points. Then the story was so heartfelt and heartbreaking all at the same time, it was really a masterpiece.
How did you feel when you were asked to do the cover for the Tell Me Why vinyl soundtrack?
At first I couldn’t believe it, I thought ‘this has to be a scam or something’ but then after researching the company and talking more with the staff there I realized they truly knew and loved my art, it was real! I am a very small account on Instagram compared to others so I am still baffled that they found me and chose me for the project!
What challenges did you face with creating the cover?
Most of the work I do now is based off an image, which I then use to create a pattern and go on to quilt. This was challenging because I had to think less like a quilter and more like a designer while still keeping in mind the limits of what quilting can be. It’s different than digital art where you can draw anything, what I created had to follow specific rules of quilting and pattern making, so I had to remember that when drawing out my reference image.
Did working on the vinyl sleeve teach you anything new about your art?
Yes! I made the decision to incorporate some new elements into the sleeve that I had not and would not usually include in a normal wall hanging. Normally you want to be able to wash and dry a quilted piece if needed, this one would live as an image so the limits were expanded a bit. On the front I incorporated block printing into the image, creating smaller details that I would not be able to replicate using only fabric and thread. I also played around with dying my own fabric for the backgrounds and I love how they turned out! On the back side I also included some beading to give an effect similar to one seen in the game.
How was working with iam8bit on this album?
They were great! Most of the time working with new people is nerve-wracking because you never know if they are going to respect pronouns and be respectful of my gender identity but right out the gate they were incredible and friendly. I couldn’t have picked a better company to work on this specific game and project with, we all meshed so well and I believe the success of the final product shows that well.
Any closing thoughts, Theo?
I would love for this project to help people expand their preconceived thoughts on quilting. I think most people, when imagining quilting, imagine very geometric, large quilts that your grandma or grandma’s grandma made. A lot of the quilting community is so diverse and welcoming and the way in which people use the craft is equally as diverse, and it continues to grow every day!
Theo Randall (and their beautiful artwork) can be found over on Instagram – be sure to show them the love they deserve!
The Tell Me Why vinyl is also available to pre-order over on iam8bit, and if that isn’t enough Tell Me Why for you, then also check out our latest feature about the game and the found family trope.