Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Games NewsNews

Tales of Arise won’t include post-battle victory screen

Tales of Arise is releasing worldwide on September 10th this year, a victory for any Tales Of fan who have been waiting patiently for some news. It’s been 4 years since Tales of Berseria, and fans are eager to jump into a new game with a new cast of characters. The excitement is very real.

A lot of information about the upcoming game was revealed yesterday, including a pretty incredible Collector’s Edition that we can’t wait to get our hands on. But what interested us the most was the confirmation (via Gematsu) that Tales of Arise won’t have a victory screen post-battle.

Victory screens – or more accurately, victory quotes – are scenes post-battle that have the party talk to one another. Sometimes they can be pretty serious, let us know more about other characters and their relationship to one another, and some are just downright silly.

According to Gematsu, “Battles begin immediately upon encountering an enemy, and if you win, you return to the field immediately.” This seems like an odd choice, especially as the victory quotes were well-loved staples of the Tales Of games.

However, it doesn’t seem like they’ll be gone completely. As seen in the gameplay videos online, victory screens may be gone, but characters do seem to enjoy conversations with one another on the field after finishing a battle. So, not all is lost! And let’s be honest, as long as the Skit Conversations are still there, another staple of what makes the Tales of games so great, we’re happy.

In other Tales of Arise news, fans are already speculating just who could be the English voice actors for main characters Alphen and Shionne. Who do you think it could be, and are you happy about the decision to be rid of victory screens? Let us know!

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