Celebrity Gaymer: Detox
Drag legend Detox, from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 5 and All Stars 2, is no stranger to the big stage. Her sickening looks, hilarious catchphrases and unique lip syncing style have enshrined her position as one of the most iconic queens ever to grace the runway.
Having achieved global superstardom, her next big challenge is a dramatic entry to the world of streaming, following in the footsteps of many other drag stars who have used streaming as a way of connecting with fans.
I had the pleasure of chatting to Detox about the reasons behind her starting streaming, thoughts on video game drag ideas, and her wider career.
Hey Detox, thanks for taking the time to talk. You’ve just jumped into the world streaming, what or who inspired you to get into it?
Honestly, I felt bullied into it! Ongina is very persuasive haha! I honestly really just discovered Twitch over quarantine by watching all of the digital drag shows that were going on and then realised how many queer gamers there are out there. My nephew is also OBSESSED with watching streamers and he started dropping hints that he wanted me to help him with his own show. I’m sure he’ll be dropping by for some regular segments!

What games do you plan to play on stream?
Well, right now, I’m completely consumed with Dead By Daylight. Like… an unhealthy addiction! I know, I know… I’m super late to the party! I’ve only been playing for like two months or so but even my chiropractor has noticed a huge difference in neck and arms! We’re working on that haha!
I’m sure I’ll be playing Among Us & Jackbox games as well. I’m a Mortal Kombat-aholic and I’m also anxiously awaiting new Tomb Raider games with the PS5 release because Lara is my main bitch!
What are you most looking forward to with streaming?
I love how interactive the community is. I’ve always been kind of known as everyone’s cool aunt, so I think it’s a great way to engage with my fans & friends and lets people see a different side of me that l don’t think anyone really expected. Like, obviously I’m a creamy smooth drag icon goddess, but I’m also a huge dork. Case in point!

How long have you been into gaming?
Oh I grew up gaming, we had them all! With my schedule after Drag Race though it became really difficult to keep up. I’ve definitely been catching up over the past year though!
Why do you think so many drag queens play video games?
I mean… who didn’t want to grow up to be Sindel?! I guess, depending on what games you play, there’s a ton of similarities between drag personas and video game vixens. There’s a ton of material out there for inspiration too. Queer people have always needed avenues of escape and what better place to escape to? You can be who or whatever you want!
How would you describe your drag style and what are your inspirations?
I’m an 80s baby, even though I don’t remember it. I’ve always loved the style. Exaggerated silhouettes, nipped waists, angles, shapes and COLOUR! But, I like to play with all sorts of genres and periods. I’m a slut for vintage and a slut for sex, so I try and mesh the two of those themes in most of what I do. I’m inspired by fashion and cartoons. I’ve always wanted Detox to be her own video game girl. *crosses fingers*

We want to see more queens embracing gaming in their shows, have you ever done anything gaming related in a show? If not, what do you think this could look like?
I haven’t, but for last year’s DragCon my team and I were planning on doing a video game booth where people could buy a package to come play a game of Mortal Kombat with me. We ended up deciding to sit last year out because I was just too swamped leading into the prep stages and then the pandemic hit so we’ve got it on the back burner for when we’re able to again!
I will be at the front of that line wherever and whenever it happens! You are, of course, one of the all time Drag Race legends, how do you think the show has changed from your time to today?
Well it’s obviously so much more mainstream now, and the franchise has exploded into so many different regions. I love all the spin offs! It’s great to see what drag is like around the world… that’s been my favorite part about all of my travels! That being said, you know being more and more mainstream definitely has its pros and cons.
I’m an old lady in the drag world, even though I’m not that old! I’ve been doing drag for 20 years almost now, so it’s been amazing to see an art that I have grown up admiring and loving so much become my full time job, and ultimately catapulting to success I only ever used to dream about.
But one thing I think the success of the show has changed is that some of that grit and that heart from drag of yesteryear has been lost in translation. People do drag now solely to get on Drag Race and so much of the show has swayed away from what drag is really all about. That’s been the best part of discovering Twitch drag though for me. Seeing so much incredible talent out there and how resourceful and creative and perseverant queer people are has reminded me a lot of when I was first coming up. The hunger and the drive and the appreciation for and love of drag and performing. It’s been very inspiring.

We’re starting to see gaming be represented on Drag Race with several cosplay-inspired looks, including Asttina’s Mileena look on Drag Race UK. What do you think about queens cosplaying?
I love it! I mean it’s a no brainer for me! I was floored when I saw Asttina’s look because I think I’ve been unconsciously dreaming of a Mortal Kombat or video game vixen themed runway. I think I would turn that!
Is there a character you’d love to cosplay through a look?
I mean… Sindel obviously! I LIVED for Jaremi’s Sindel! Also, how amazing would a Sheeva look be?!
We need a full drag-themed Mortal Kombat show! What game are you playing at the moment?
I just finished The Last of Us 2. I’m glad I wasn’t streaming that! It was a lot to get through and it broke me as a human after… like a full day of sobbing! I’m an emotional being ok! I’m dying to play the new Spider-Man, but want to get a PS5 first! So, mainly just a lot of DBD with my friends!
What was your favourite game last year?
The Last of Us 2 for sure. Heartbreaking. A game should not do that to you! I also played the Resident Evil 2 remake, which I LOVED, to gear up for the RE3 remake. I should have done it reversed because I was less thrilled by RE3. Detroit was also pretty interesting.

What’s the one game you can rely on to help you relax and escape?
I adore the Tomb Raider franchise. Play them all the time. I even dusted off my old PS2 during the pandemi!
What’s up next in your world?
Hopefully figuring out how to stream! I’ve had a rough start to be honest, and almost threw all of my new equipment in the garbage the other day! I’m flying Ongina out here in a couple weeks though and we’re gonna tackle everything! Gigs are slowly starting to trickle back in now, and now that I’m fully vaccinated I feel a bit more comfortable accepting them. I’m really looking forward to the Kesha Cruise in the fall!
Thanks so much for your time today, how can our readers keep up with you?
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook are all @TheOnlyDetox
Twitch.tv/TheOnlyDetoxOfficial (we’re hoping to drop the official soon!)