Sunday, March 16, 2025
Games NewsNews

Apex Legends is coming to mobile

It was only last month that the popular battle royale game – with a surprisingly diverse cast – launched on the Nintendo Switch. But that hasn’t stopped the team at Respawn for developing a brand new, pocket-sized version Apex Legends for mobile.

Announced Monday via a blog post, the Apex Legends mobile game will first be accessible to fans in India and the Philippines with more regions and players earning access as the year rolls on.

Just like the Apex Legends on console and PC, the mobile version will be completely free to play and follow the same structure – picking a legend out of a diverse cast of characters with unique abilities, and then sending them hurtling into the Outlands with 59 other people ready to fight to and earn the title Champion.

Apex Legends Battle Royale
Apex Legends on mobile is a good move for Respawn

Of course, there will be some changes. This version of Apex Legends is designed for touchscreens with “streamlined controls” and “thoughtful optimizations” to make this battle royale game stick out from the rest. As of now, we’re unsure if thoughtful optimizations will include the chance to connect a controller to your mobile and play. It is early days, after all.

What’s interesting about this version of Apex Legends is that it will have it’s very own Battle Passes, cosmetics and unlockables – completely unique from those on PC and console. If you’re an Apex fan, these new items and collectables may just be the new thing you need to add to your collection.

As for when you’ll be able to play in the mobile beta yourself… Well, the best thing is to be patient. As explained in the Apex Legends blog post’s FAQ, the first beta tests begin in Spring and will only be on Android. However, the team over at Respawn will slowly be expanding the size of the beta tests, adding in iOS support and adding in new regions for new players.

In the meantime, Apex Legends revealed Season 9’s brand new Legend: Valk. Titanfall fans in particular will be very excited to find out more about her in the upcoming weeks that lead up to May.

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