Streamer Spotlight: FoxQueen
Welcome to a new Streamer Spotlight where this time, the spotlight falls on FoxQueen!
FoxQueen, aka Alice, is a U.S.-based streamer who has been streaming for over 4 years on Twitch and loves DND, anime, animals, and baking! She was a pastry chef before she became a full time streamer and still loves to bake in her free time!
It was lovely to sit down with FoxQueen to talk about the two greatest joys in my life, gaming and baked goods!
Robin: Hey Alice, let’s start off with when and why did you start streaming?
FoxQueen: I started in 2015! I started because I used to get on Skype calls with friends and share my screen when I played single player games so they could experience it while they did something else. Eventually, I figured out about streaming websites and switched to those!

What games do you prefer to stream?
I prefer to stream story based games with a focus on JRPG’s and just “anime-esque” games.
What can people expect from your stream?
People can expect a pretty chill, accepting environment. I try to keep it cozy and silly.
What games do you enjoy playing on stream?
Final Fantasy XIV and Genshin Impact have been nice for me, lately. The community for both have been very sweet and welcoming. Especially, FFXIV.
What makes a good game to stream?
Games with a mix of heavy story and some chill moments that allow me to focus on chat are what I tend to lean towards. I love games with lots of twists. My community and I get really into them and it creates a lot of great discussions.

You previously worked as a pastry chef before becoming a full time streamer, what made you take the leap into streaming full time?
Well, I’d say baking is still definitely one of my big loves but I started streaming when I was barely 18. I was saving money for college to try to avoid student loans, and dealing with pretty severe depression at the time. Streaming kind of pulled me out of a very bad headspace and I fell in love with it but it was always just a hobby to me that I took pretty seriously.
A few years after I started streaming I got a job as a pastry chef which was my dream forever. I loved it and still do, of course, but I started making enough money with streaming to pay my bills for a good while. Eventually, I made the decision to just take the leap and see how it went. I’ve been doing this now for about two years and I’m thankful I made the switch. But who knows maybe I’ll go back to being a pastry chef one day.
What’s your favourite bake to make?
I love cake and cake decorating. It’s very labour intensive but I used to love spending entire days working on wedding cakes or birthday cakes. I also love making things I’ve never made before. I love trying new recipes and challenging myself.

Have you ever baked on stream? Or do you plan to?
I have! I like to do it on special holidays so I can celebrate with my community. Honestly, I’d love to do it more but currently I don’t have the best setup for baking streams. Maybe one day I’ll be able to save up so I can get a much better set up and do more!
How do you find being an out LGBT streamer?
With all the issues and obvious trolling it comes with? Honestly, I love it. I love being out and proud on Twitch. Over the years I’ve met so many amazing LGBTQIA+ streamers that I’ve befriended and have connected with. It’s amazing. I’ve also gotten so many messages from community members telling me that because of me they’ve felt comfortable coming out or that I’ve helped them realize they were some part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s rewarding. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
What’s your main goal as a streamer for the future?
My main goal has always been to make friends and to spread some form of joy and positivity- as corny as that sounds. I think if I can make one person’s crummy day a little bit better I’ve succeeded as a content creator. But also, being partnered has always been one of the boxes I’d like to check off.

What do you enjoy the most about streaming?
All the people I’ve met from all walks of life. I know so many Germans and so many people from the UK but I’ve never been to Europe in my life! I never would’ve met any of those people if I hadn’t started streaming. I have a close friend that’s on the opposite side of the world from me! And a few others in a different hemisphere!
What have you learned about yourself through streaming?
I’m pretty social. I feel like this sounds silly at first but as a child I had pretty debilitating social anxiety. It’s obviously gotten a lot better but I used to have terrible issues speaking to new people and making new friends. Now, I regularly do both of those things. In fact, I love doing those things.
What’s the game that defined your childhood?
Dragon Age Origins. I played it around when I was 13 when I was starting to question my sexuality and really think about those things. Seeing the option to romance women as a woman really made me think about everything and put things into perspective. The Dragon Age series has continued to mean so much to me and help me feel… normal and accepted for being me. I can’t even begin to say how much it means to me.
What are you looking forward to most this year?
More information on Dragon Age 4! I’m kidding. But I’m not. In terms of other non-Dragon Age-games? I’m super pumped for Nier Replicant’s remake. I never had the chance to play the original and the remake looks amazing so far. Also, Mass Effect Legendary Edition! I was a big fan of the trilogy and I’m super ready to romance that funky space bird-man, again.
To find out more about FoxQueen, head on over to her Twitch channel.