Monday, March 17, 2025
Games NewsNews

Always Sometimes Monsters is coming to Nintendo Switch in April

Always Sometimes Monsters is a game from Vagabond Dog that is 1) very good and 2) full of cynicism and contempt. There are incredibly insightful scenes of how completely screwed we are under capitalism, and how that can warp us into a terrible person, and at one point you can have a threesome with some guy and his girlfriend for a laugh. Always Sometimes Monsters has all of this going on, and now it’s heading to the Nintendo Switch this April 8th.

We’d understand if you were already terribly turned off by the thought of playing Always Sometimes Monsters, but the game really is that gritty. You play as a luckless author who, after a breakup from your childhood sweetheart – who you can pick to either be a man or a woman – tries to carry on with their life.

But this is a video game so, after quickly falling behind on rent, you’re kicked out and quickly become homeless. To make matters worse, your ex is getting married and you still haven’t got over them. Then there’s that manuscript you need to finish… Let’s just say, you’ve got a lot of diverging paths and choices in this game, and you may not be able to get everything you want.

What we found interesting about Always Sometimes Monsters is that it doesn’t paint each player’s experience as the same. If you’re playing as a white, heterosexual woman then you’re not going to face the same sort of prejudice as a gay, Asian man. It at least shows acknowledgement at the world around the player, but it does beg the question of whether it takes into account that, usually, video games are a tool of escapism.

Only players will be able to tell if this game, originally released in 2014, has aged poorly or not.

Always Sometimes Monsters will release on the Nintendo Switch on April 8th.

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