Friday, February 21, 2025
Games NewsNews

New Baldur’s Gate 3 patch comes with updated romance scenes

Baldur’s Gate 3 received a new patch last week, and with it came a variety of new updates – including romance changes. A change in romance was utterly surprising to us, as the previous patch notes hadn’t included anything that stated certain romance scenes had been altered, but no, some under construction scenes have been, well, constructed.

Before this patch, romance in Baldur’s Gate 3 has been hit and miss for a few players. Mostly because certain characters, looking at you Lae’zel, Shadowheart, and Astarion, have an opinion on everything you do and it’s mostly negative. While that doesn’t really bother us, we love characters who challenge the player character, after all, it made romancing these characters a tad difficult. Thankfully this latest patch has made it somewhat easier for players to romance characters, and because of that, a lot easier to see these new, updated romance scenes.

Not all characters have had an update to their romance scenes, however. From what we’ve managed to find through our own playthroughs, as well as some sleuthing on social media, it seems Lae’zel and Astarion are the romance options who have had their under construction scenes added to. That said, none of them are fully complete, sorry! We hate to crush your dreams if you were desperate to go grab yourself some Githyanki and/or vampire spawn booty, but it is what it is.

Other changes that weren’t included in the patch notes are lighting, as well as some animations and cutscenes looking much crisper and professional. The game plays wonderfully, too and if you were looking to head back into the world of Faerûn after some time away, then you’ve picked the perfect time to start again.

A new patch for Baldur’s Gate 3 will be heading out in the new year – will it include more updated romance scenes, or perhaps some new companions? We can’t wait to find out!

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