Sunday, May 19, 2024
Games News

Cyberpunk 2077 is just as a buggy mess on PC and next-gen consoles too

Cyberpunk 2077 broke records on Steam the moment it was available to purchase. It’s no surprise – the game has been hyped up since 2012, and caters to an audience that reminds me of when I was 16 and thought saying fuck a lot made me cool. Despite all the hype, the rabid fanbase it already has, it’s hard to deny that Cyberpunk 2077 is also a buggy mess.

Now don’t get me wrong, bugs do not truly bother me all that much. While it can be jarring to see your friend and companion, Jackie, float away from his motorcycle as he talks to you, it doesn’t bother me to the extent that I’d sit down and write about it. No, some bugs can even be funny enough that I want them kept in the game.

But Cyberpunk 2077 is more than just buggy – it has a number of game-breaking bugs that require constant reloading, particularly near the end of Act 1 where Jackie is constantly at your side. Only, he would be, if the game didn’t continuously despawn him every time you’re five steps away from him. This wouldn’t be too much of an issue, but because Jackie isn’t available in the actual game world, you’re unable to progress through certain questlines, such as The Pickup. To say that it’s frustrating is a huge understatement. And it isn’t just for last-gen console players, but for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S too.

CD Projekt Red has stated that these issues and bugs are due to PC’s not being able to handle certain requirements to run the game, but considering that these game-breaking bugs have been happening to a number of different people across platforms, that seems to not be the case at all.

Issues that have been mentioned across social media range from Jackie falling out of the map, consistent crashing issues on the PS5, cracking audio on the PC, weapons floating in mid-air, scripting errors, cars falling out of the map, textures not loading in, and a lot more.

With all these different issues, particularly game-breaking ones, I’d honestly recommend waiting until the game gets fixed before trying to play. It is an incredibly frustrating experience otherwise, especially if you’re on the PS4 and Xbox One.

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