Friday, March 14, 2025
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Jingle Jam 2020 kicks off two weeks of charity fundraising on December 1st

2020 may not be the year that we were expecting, but that’s why the last month of December is all the more important. This is where Jingle Jam 2020 comes in.

For folks who aren’t aware, the Jingle Jam is the world’s biggest games charity event, taking place every year and raising huge amounts of money each time. Since its inception in 2011 the Jingle Jam has raised over $17.6 million, all for charitable projects across the world.

This year is no different. Jingle Jam 2020 will begin its fundraising on December 1st, and will launch with the Jingle Jam 2020 Games Bundle. The bundle will include up to 40 games and in-game items and will be exclusively available through Tiltify. The final games lineup for the bundle has yet to be revealed, but when it is, we’ll be sure to report on it!

Jingle Jam 2020 will last until the 14th of December, and will donate the money it makes to twelve different charities. Here are just a few of the charities that Jingle Jam 2020 hope to support.

  • Open Bionics: Jingle Jam is helping to fund 10 advanced bionic Hero Arms for 10 amputees from socio-economically deprived backgrounds.
  • One25: Jingle Jam will fund a whole year of One25’s drop-in, for women facing street sex work. This provides deeply marginalised women with practical help, a sanctuary and an onwards route to freedom from poverty, violence and addiction.
  • ILGA World: Thanks to the support powered by Jingle Jam, 60 LGBTI activists from Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere will be trained at the 2022 ILGA World Conference, the largest global gathering for rainbow change-makers. These donations will also help ILGA World create 5 global-level campaigns to help win over the hearts and minds of the public.
  • Safe in Our World: The money raised by the Jingle Jam will fund the creation of Community Managers courses, which we will deliver free of charge to the video games community and industry. We must equip those who interact directly with gamers, on the front line, with the knowledge to be able to support their communities through awareness and mental health first aid. We’ve talked about Safe in Our World at Gayming Magazine before.

Other charities involved are War Child, WDC: Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Special Effect, The Grand Appeal, Mental Health Foundation, the British Games Institute, Access Sports, and Call of Duty Endowment.

To find out more, follow the Jingle Jam Twitter account!

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