Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Games NewsNews

Bandai Namco trademarks Tales of Luminaria

Tales Of fans have had a rocky few months. Tales of Crestoria released back on July 16th and while it has rewarded fans with a gripping, mature story, people are still aching for a Tales Of game that isn’t a gacha. Could that game be Tales of Luminaria?

Tales of Arise is set to be the next main Tales Of title since Tales of Berseria’s original release back in 2017, but was delayed to sometime in the future due to the project’s significant vision. With that in mind, the sudden trademark from Bandai Namco of Tales of Luminaria has left fans wondering what this game actually is.

The information of a possible new Tales Of game was found by some eagle-eyed ResetEra users, who quickly got to work assessing just what this game could be about. Personally, we’re thinking lamps because, as a user points out, Luminaria means Wall Lamp in Portuguese. Tales of Wall Lamp sounds just like the game for us!

We currently have no real idea if this game will end up being yet another mobile gacha game, despite Tales of Crestoria only just releasing earlier this year, or if it will be a spin-off of a Tales game. Maybe, just maybe, it won’t have anything to do with the Tales Of series at all? Considering that it’s Bandai Namco trademarking the name, though… We doubt that’s the case.

For now, we can only wait for more news about Tales of Arise, and whether it’ll finally be in our hands by the year 2021.

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