Friday, March 14, 2025
DIGIPRIDE20Social GaymingTabletop

LGBT Tabletop Games you can play right now


LGBT and tabletop games do not always need to be some sort of separate entity. The two really can come together in the most beautiful of ways, and if there’s something that we need right now, it’s something that lets us escape into a realm where everything is hopeful, bright, and, let’s be honest, fabulous.

With that in mind, we’ve prepared the perfect list of LGBT+ tabletop games that’ll not only introduce a new way of playing, but have inclusive creators that would love to have your support. And remember, if you end up playing one of these games, let us know what you thought of it.

iHunt: The RPG

LGBT tabletop games
Source: Machine Age Productions

The Gig Economy is a festering mess that, unfortunately, a lot of us can relate to. Working five different jobs, barely getting enough to live and then totally losing your marbles when something unexpected like a vet bill comes up.

In Machine Age Productions iHunt, you play as millennials scraping by paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet. A gig app called #iHunt offers them more money than they’ve ever made to hit the streets and kill vampires, werewolves, demons, and anything else that goes bump in the night.

More importantly, iHunt is a TTRPG that is “by and for the LGBTQ+ community.” So get your eyeballs on it and make sure you leave a review on the Drive Thru RPG website to let people know what you think.

Lonely Timbers

With a name like Lonely Timbers, you might be wondering how on earth this could have anything to do with LGBT tabletop games. On the surface, Lonely Timbers is a game that looks as though it’s just about some older men chopping wood beside a fireplace. In some ways, that’s true.

However, to think that Lonely Timbers is just about that would be a huge disservice to Jason Pitre and their work. In this game, you do play as a group of lumberjacks, but topics of masculinity, love, companionship and vulnerability are key factors within the game. You may have a family at home you need to provide for, or maybe you’re just on the run from a society that doesn’t treat you well. No matter what your reasons for joining the camp, Lonely Timbers wants you to embrace who you are.

Fog of Love

LGBT tabletop games
Source: Fog of Love

Sometimes love is the hardest game of all. That’s the premise behind Fog of Love, a two-player game where you create and play two characters who are in love with the other. Can we get an aw? Awwww.

Of course, as we all know, love isn’t easy or simple and your relationship is no exception. You’ll be put in scenarios that can either make or break, depending on who you are and how you react. The game is best played when you aren’t being yourself, but putting yourself in someone else’s shoes instead.

Fog of Love isn’t exclusively LGBT+ orientated, but you don’t need to be players of the opposite sex at all. It’s entirely up to the both of you, and the official website has stated that it will be getting expansions that are more queer-orientated. We’re very excited for that.

Be Gay Do Crimes

LGBT tabletop games

Be Gay Do Crimes is a tabletop game that puts the two things that the LGBT+ community loves to do, together: being gay and doing crimes. Created back in 2018 by Evan Saft, Be Gay Do Crimes is all about pulling off a heist, while being as gay as possible. What that means differs from person to person, so don’t be afraid that you’re playing wrong.

As described by its page, Be Gay Do Crimes takes all the fun of doing heists and combines it with the inevitable crushes formed within a queer social group. So basically, this game just called us all out. Gay disasters especially.

Are there any other LGBT tabletop games that we missed out that you’d like to see us include next time? Or perhaps you’re looking for something different, maybe some LGBT+ friendly Dungeons and Dragon podcasts to listen to? Either way, we’ve got you covered.

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