Friday, December 20, 2024
Games NewsNews

Animal Crossing is all about love during this Wedding Season

If there’s one thing we need in this world right now, it’s more love. Thankfully, Animal Crossing has a new event that’s been titled The Wedding Season, that’ll have players going out of their way to celebrate the wedding of Cyrus and Reese. Despite the names, it won’t be a gay wedding either, sorry Flick and CJ fans.

The Animal Crossing Wedding Season was revealed in an Animal Crossing update a while back, and while plenty of us are already enamored with the headcanon of Redd and Nook being gay divorcees, this new event will actually entice us with something real: heart crystals. These crystals help in getting new crafting ideas and furniture – more than enough reason to start playing Animal Crossing this month. It isn’t just furniture, however. You’ll also have access to getting new wall designs, as well as outfits. Sign us up, because we look dapper in suits!

To access this new event, just start up Animal Crossing today and you’ll receive a phone call from Harvey. It’s here that the cute pooch will tell you about needing an extra paw to help shoot photos of Cyrus and Reese, so head on over to his island as fast as you can! Once there, you’ll have to make the place perfect for the lovely couple. Depending on how well you do, you’ll receive some heart crystals.

The Animal Crossing Wedding Season event lasts from June 1st to June 30th, so you’ve got plenty of time to get all the rewards for doing such a good job. To find out more, we recommend checking out VG24/7’s guide on how to get the most out of this event.

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