Thursday, July 25, 2024

A spoiler free acknowledgement that Owen in The Last of Us Part 2 is hot

The Last of Us Part 2 was finally released to PlayStation 4 yesterday after a delay due to COVID-19. I was able to play the first hour after work last night before heading to bed and so far, besides feeling like I’m home again in the digital world, my only real comment is: Owen is pretty fuckin’ hot.

I’m sure there’s a ton of you gaymers out there who are powering through the game at lightning speed, and you probably know a lot more about this new character than I do. The only thing I’m aware of is that he’s part of a small group not related to Joel and Ellie. Knowing the infected, ruined world in The Last of Us Part 2, it’s safe to assume that he could be a bad guy.

Maybe it’s that possibility that adds to his hotness? Don’t we all just love a bad boy every once and a while?

At times Owen reminds me of a heavier Channing Tatum with facial hair. Other times, he reminds me of an actor whose name escapes me at this moment. He’s voiced by Patrick Fugit – and the face matches the voice to embody a devilishly charming new addition to the Naughty Dog world.

Only time will tell if he’s a giant POS, but for now I’m going to bask in his hotness.

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One thought on “A spoiler free acknowledgement that Owen in The Last of Us Part 2 is hot

  • Wow! Glad someone found it too! Google search really nailed it and recommended your article. Yes, this guy is hot af. Screw of bloody political correctness.

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