Now is the best time to play Dead by Daylight
If there’s one thing I tell everyone, it’s this: play Dead by Daylight. Behavior Interactive’s asymmetrical horror game just celebrated it’s 4th anniversary, with a reveal of a killer and survivor that both surprised and shook us to our very core.
That’s right, Konami’s very own Cheryl (or should we say Heather? You decide) Mason, as well as the blade-wielding executioner known as Pyramid Head, are making their way to Dead by Daylight sometime in June this year.
As someone who’s never been into horror until I got into playing this game early in 2019, this game has been nothing short of a wild ride. It’s quickly overtaken a lot of the games I used to play non-stop with my friends, such as Apex Legends and Overwatch. Our weekly games that consisted of assassins, robots, and guns have instead been replaced with dressing up as iconic killers and survivors, ducking into shadowy corners and doing our utmost to kill or escape.
It’s been nothing short of of complete hilarity, fun, and some absolute wilds times at nearly 4am in the morning. There’s been times where nothing has really kept me going apart from going on that game, cursing loudly at the killer and swapping theories. It’s meant a hell of a lot to me, and has even introduced some very weird, sexual awakenings in me. But uh, yeah, that’s for another time, I guess.

Jokes aside, Dead by Daylight has been improving each and every year, bringing in new, exciting licenses such as Halloween, Scream and even Nightmare on Elms Street. To say that this is incredible is perhaps the biggest understatement of the year. What other game lets you play almost all of the biggest horror icons in cinematic history? We can’t think of any apart from Dead by Daylight.
The game, which started as a video game that really had very little to offer to keep people coming back to it outside of new cosmetics, now has its very own Archives feature. With this, players are able to experience the lore of each new killer after completing so many challenges. It’s fun, interactive, and lets you find out more about the world without shoving everything in a comic or…a cookbook. Of course, it’s not a perfect system. But if you’re into your lore, then you’ll be more than satisfied with what the Archives provides.
Dead by Daylight is also getting a graphical upgrade in the future, which means that while it may not be the prettiest game to play at this moment in time, it’s going to be getting huge improvements. Let’s hope that they optimize console before that happens!
But what really is the best reason to get into Dead by Daylight now? Well, outside of Pyramid Head and Cheryl Mason coming to the game, cross-play has been announced to be coming to the game before the end of this year. With the game out on so many platforms, including mobile and even the Nintendo Switch, the possibility of playing with friends from all over the world is something we’re looking forward to.
Ultimately, if you’re looking for a game that you can wholeheartedly enjoy with friends while also getting the pants scared off you, then Dead by Daylight is for you.