Friday, May 17, 2024

The Witcher 3 sold as well in 2019 as it did at launch

The Witcher 3 has always sold well. When it launched, it was met with extremely positive reviews, with even folks — like myself — giving this series it’s attention for the first time ever. It’s become so popular that there’s been a renewed interest in the books, and even now, people are going out of there way to purchase The Witcher 3 ASAP.

In June last year, the game passed 20 million lifetime sales, an incredible feat considering that by the time December rolled around and the Netflix series of The Witcher took over our lives, gamers who hadn’t played the games, were now giving the series their full attention.

With so much attention being heaped onto The Witcher 3, it’s come to no real surprise that, according to CD Projekt Red’s financial results (via VG24/7) the last game of Geralt’s journey has done wonders for the company’s revenue. While no specific numbers were given, it was revealed that The Witcher 3 almost sold as well as it did back when it launched in 2015. 7 million copies were sold last year, only 2.5 million off the 9.5 million sales at launch.

Considering they reached 20m back in June last year, we wouldn’t be surprised if The Witcher 3 will continue to rise in popularity and reach 30 or even 35 million before the end of this year. After all, most of us, currently, have more than enough time to play video games. Why not let that game be The Witcher 3?

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