Friday, March 14, 2025

We Are Born to Play is now a Gaymer anthem, because we said so

Gaymers everywhere are rocking out to a song that shouldn’t be as catchy as it is, especially when it has Mario involved. But no, the new song from Galantis and Charli XCX, We are Born to Play, has taken up a very large space in our head and we’re not at all sorry about it.

The song, along with the music video, was created to promote the new Super Mario World theme park that’s opening in Osaka, Japan. Versions of the theme park will open up in Singapore and the US later on, but will they have a catchy song to celebrate it? We doubt it.

There’s a lot to love about the music video, especially for all those gaymers who love and stan the one, the only, Princess Peach. She only appears briefly, but god, we do love a queen’s 2-second appearance all the same.

The video also brings up a lot of ‘lore’ questions. As Pink News rightly points out, does this make Charli XCX friends with Toad? Is that an actual thing that can be considered canon in the Super Mario universe? Will she make appearances in future games? The gaymers need to know, Nintendo.

There’s been no definitive date on when Super Mario World will be open, but it has been confirmed to be before Tokyo’s Summer Olympics. So, not all is lost if you haven’t yet booked a ticket to Japan.

Check out the full video for yourself, gaymers. It’s one hell of a ride!

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