Saturday, March 29, 2025
Games NewsNews

Fire Emblem Three Houses Cindered Shadows trailer shows off a secret fourth house

Today is a great day to be a Fire Emblem fan. First, you have Byleth revealed to be a character in Smash, and now the Fire Emblem Three Houses Cindered Shadows trailer has just been released. Excuse us if we squeal in delight.

In Cindered Shadows, Byleth and their house will meet a secret fourth house named the Ashen Wolves. They are a little misguided, but we assume that’s because of living underground for so long. It happens.

The four new characters are Yuri, Constance, Happi, and Balthus. All four of them don’t seem to have a high opinion of the world outside, and so have taken to living under Garreg Mach to get away from the world.

These four new characters look pretty great, though we’re unsure what sort of impact they’ll have on the main story of Fire Emblem Three Houses, if any impact at all.

Personally we just hope male and female Byleth gets to kiss all four of them. Male Byleth did get a new boyfriend late last year, but if Balthus and Yuri get in on the cuddle pile, we don’t complain. If not, then well, what’s the point?

Fire Emblem Three Houses Cindered Shadows will be released on February 13th. Will you be getting the DLC, or will you, like the Ashen Wolves, stay in the dark?

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