Sunday, March 16, 2025

Summerfall Studio’s Chorus reaches fundraising goal

Summerfall Studio’s Chorus first appeared in our lives when it was announced by creative director David Gaider, who most Dragon Age fans will recognize, as well as Beamdog and Obsidian alumni Liam Esler, Summerfall’s managing director.

The two of them were joined by a formidable team, including Troy Baker, known for his work in Uncharted and so much more, as well as Laura Bailey, the talented voice behind Jester from Critical Role as well as characters from video games like Saints Row.

Together, the Summerfall team brought their game Chorus onto Fig, a platform that’s similar to Kickstarter in how it asks for pledges to help fund projects. The goal for Chorus was $600,000 and we’re pleased to say that, with 5 days still left, Summerfall has met its goal.

Summerfall Studios new game

With the original amount being pledged by nearly 4800 fans, it now leaves the team 5 more days to see if their other stretch goals will be met. These stretch goals are:

  • An additional two romance options (Freddie and Pan) – $650k
  • Extra songs and Minotaur quest – $700k
  • Making-of documentary and Karaoke live-stream – $725k
  • More voice-overs and a D&D live-stream – $750k
  • Full voice-over – $900k

It’s a hefty price and with only 5 days, the possibility of getting to 900k seem difficult, but we’ve seen stranger things happen. That and we’ll do mostly anything to get to see that karaoke live-stream. Just saying.

Besides that, with David Gaider writing these romance options, we’re sure that a few Dragon Age fans are more than ready to shell out some extra dollar’s Gaider’s way. He is the man who created Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age Inquisition, after all.

With the goal reached, production of Chorus can get underway and though we have yet to get a proper date, it is estimated to launch on PC (with the chance to come to other platforms later on) sometime in 2021.

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