The PS5 release date will be during the holiday 2020
Christmas has come early, and it isn’t just because Baldur’s Gate will be released on the Switch soon. No, it’s because the PS5 release date has officially been revealed: the holidays 2020. The perfect time to dosh out your cash and settle in instead of going to that dreaded family party.
This update comes from PlayStation themselves, who notified the PlayStation community in a news post. As you may have guessed, Sony has not decided to name this newest iteration anything wildly different. So, if you were expecting a PlayStation: Origins, a PlayStation 2 or a PlayStation: Inquisition, you’re going to be disappointed.
No, the newest console will be called the PlayStation 5 and it’ll have more than a few major changes from the PlayStation 4. Updates about PS5 themselves was not included, however WIRED has a lot more information.

One of these changes included in WIRED’s exclusive was the issue of storage. Mark Cerny, the architect behind the PS5, said that “rather than treating games like a big block of data, we’re allowing finer-grained access to the data.”
As WIRED states, “this could mean the ability to install just a game’s multiplayer campaign, leaving the single-player campaign for another time, or just installing the whole thing and then deleting the single-player campaign once you’ve finished it.”
But that’s not all, you’ll also be able to see which games your friends are in, regardless of whether it’s single-player or multiplayer. You’ll even be able to see the rewards you can gain if you decide to join your friends and participate in their missions.
Updates on what to expect from the PS5 will no doubt be revealed later on in 2020, but we’re very excited to see what Sony and the PS5 has in store for the community.
Are you excited about the PS5 release date? Let us know here at Gayming Magazine.