Monday, March 24, 2025
Kitty ReviewsReviews

Kitty reviews… Vader Immortal

Hello again kittens! I’m back for the second of my wildly disparate but nonetheless entertainting reviews of the video games I stagger across in my adventures as a drag queen game developer. That’s right, as well as my colourful history of making award winning AAA games for developers large and small, I also make my own games for my company Magic Notion (check out This month’s game under my pink microscope, Vader Immortal!

As you may remember, being a drag queen game developer and also an expert in the field of love, I’ve decided to judge these games like I judge my dates.

First impressions will be judged initially, are they all mouth and no trousers or could they do with a makeover? Then it’s staying power, can they keep me entertained? Finally, is the climax satisfying? Does it take too long to get anywhere, or is it all over too quickly?

Ratings will be on a scale from

  • Toss – toss it back where it came from
  • Trade – play it once then trade it in for a different model
  • Treasure – put a ring on it and keep it forever

This month I happened to receive a flying visit from an ex colleague of mine, who brought along his Oculus Quest. I’d heard a lot about this impressive piece of hardware so I thought I’d take it for a spin.

My friend recommended something I’d never heard of, ‘Vader Immortal’ which is apparently a multi part Star Wars spin-off featuring some backstory about the big leatherboy we love to hate, Darth Vader. Only one part is currently available, but that’s ok, I only need one part to have fun, and this part was more than enough to amuse me for the best part of an hour.

First Impressions

Now I’ve always been a bit dubious about VR because it always struck me as a bit clunky with the weighty headset and all those cables, but the Oculus Quest is great for a number of reasons. Firstly it’s relatively light, so all that head movement didn’t give me a sore neck (for once). Also there are NO cables, it’s all built into the headset, you don’t even need a PC or anything. AND the sound is really awesome too, with speakers also built in, but not headphones, that give a really great quality surround effect, without making you feel crushed into a claustrophobic dark room (not that I’d know what that feels like you filthy devils).

As for the game, I was very impressed. The graphics aren’t quite PS4 or XBox One quality, but the VR works really well. I truly felt like my personal space was being invaded by the Empire, and I can tell you that Darth Vader is just as large and impressive when he’s right up next to you as he looks on the screen. It felt so real I was compelled to reach out and poke his shiny helmet.

Staying Power

The game goes from being on your own little spaceship, with your own personal and very sarcastic droid, to getting captured on a Star Destroyer and then escaping onto a planet with all sorts of hijinx ensuing. They even trusted me with my own lightsaber! I had to grasp it firmly in both hands in order to keep it fully extended, and I managed to beat off several angry droids, you’d have been very proud.

The only time the illusion was broken was when one of the controllers went funny and my hand got stuck in the air facing the wrong way. Alarming to say the least when you’re trying to unlock the prison door and are still getting used to handling a space screwdriver.

The Climax

I was captivated till the end I have to say, and would definitely go back for part two, but I don’t know if I’d do part 1 again. It is pretty linear so more of a theme park ride than a proper game, but a blooming great one that deserves at least one go.

And that brings me neatly to my rating of ‘Vader Immortal’ for the Oculus Quest, which is a resounding…


Have one amazing ride, then take it back and look for something a bit more substantial.

See you next time kittens!

Kitty XOXO

About The Author
