Wednesday, May 15, 2024

YouTuber uses a treadmill to play Death Stranding

Death Stranding has been called everything under the sun: an action game, a high-inducing experience, and more commonly: a walking simulator where you look at Norman Reedus’ butt and heavy bag for 50 hours or more.

So, with that in mind, wouldn’t it make sense that Death Stranding should be played on a treadmill? That was exactly the thought process of YouTuber Allen Pan, an electrical engineer who is well known for making some of the wackiest creations on YouTube. This new Death Stranding treadmill isn’t even the craziest thing he’s ever done.

We found out about Pan’s new idea from Kotaku, where Pan hooked up his busted treadmill to a Dualshock 4. Through a few modifications, Pan was able to make it so that after the treadmill reached a certain speed, it translates to Sam Bridges (Norman Reedus) walking. If the speed goes beyond that point, it will make Bridges run instead.

Source: YouTube

Death Stranding has inspired more than a few people to go hiking – seriously, just go check Reddit – but now you can experience it by simply working out in your living room.

And boy, if the video below is anything to go by, it really does seem that you’ll be in for quite a workout. Especially if you go out of your way to find a baby in a jar and wear a heavy backpack.

Though you do still need to be careful, as its easy for you to walk haphazardly and drop your load – often leading to a failed mission.

Well, at least your legs are getting a workout.

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