Thursday, October 17, 2024
Games NewsNews

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End available now for Nintendo Switch

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End is a queer space opera like no other — and is now available to play on the Nintendo Switch. The game was initially released in June of this year for PC.

“There are elements every space opera needs: A space ship capable of holding a crew, said crew, and a captain to lead them all. Crispy Creative’s A Long Journey to an Uncertain End is no different.” We said in our review. The big main difference, however, is that the player character is both the captain and the ship itself. If you’ve ever had questions about personhood before, consider them doubled when playing this game.

ALJTAUE follows a rogue A.I. that has escaped from their previous captain/abusive partner and is on the run. Players get to choose which pronouns the they use. Sentient space ships have been outlawed for a long time in this universe, so our protagonist must rely on the few allies they have to avoid capture by authorities or their ex. As they travel, their crew starts to expand as they take in other misfits they encounter on their journey.

A Long Journey to An Uncertain End

Your companions are diverse and include folks from varying backgrounds and identities, and each has their own goals alongside trying to help the ship. Each time you land at a different space port, you can send your crew members out to do different jobs to gain resources and information. Doing so passes the time, however, so you have to monitor how long you’re spending on work before you need to start running again.

Overall, we enjoyed our time with Crispy Creative’s debut game. You can read our full review of the game here.

And once you’re done, hop into a world of space drama on the Nintendo Switch with A Long Journey to an Uncertain End because what’s better than playing out an epic, melodramatic tale on the go?

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