Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Animal Crossing friendships just got a whole lot easier

Animal Crossing friendships are so finicky. You hit them a couple of times with a net, and suddenly you’re hated forever? No fair! If friendships worked like that in real life, we’d have no friends at all.

For those new to Animal Crossing, or New Horizons in general, the concept of best friends may be somewhat surprising to you. After all, if you’re like us and just want to make the prettiest island in the world, you may have just ignored most of your villagers anyway. Unless you’re Fuchsia, we love you, sweet, pink deer.

However, for those of us who want to make sure our fellow islanders will never leave — and become our best friends — we’ve got some great news. Twitter user yuecrossing has made yet another guide. They’ve made other guides before, such as flower hybrids, etc, but this one lets us know what exactly we have to do to make friends.

As it turns out, there is a point system which lets Animal Crossing know what sort of relationship you have with your islanders.

You can check the full thread on Animal Crossing friendships out on Twitter, and be sure to thank Yue too. This guide must have taken ages!

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