Mass Effect crossover is now live in Destiny 2
The latest collaboration between EA/Bioware and Bungie is now live, bringing Mass Effect cosmetics and in-game items to Destiny 2.
All players are now able to claim the Alliance Requisitions Bundle for free, which includes the Enhanced Defense Ghost Shell, Alliance Scout Frigate ship, and Alliance Drop Ship Sparrow. Players can also check out the Eververse store to buy a Commander Shepard-inspired N7 set for Titans, a Garrus-inspired Vakarian set for Hunters, and a Liara-inspired Shadow Broker set for Warlocks. By using Silver currency, they can also buy the Omni Strike finisher and Flux Dance emote.
“Inspired by Commander Shepard, Garrus Vakarian, Liara T’Soni and the Systems Alliance, along with accessory items available for all players at no cost,” the Destiny 2 Twitter account posted. “Live today in Destiny 2.”

“All players can claim the Alliance Requisitions Bundle at no cost, including the Enhanced Defense Ghost Shell, Alliance Scout Frigate Ship, and the Alliance Drop Ship Sparrow.”

This Mass Effect x Destiny 2 gear is releasing ahead of next month’s Guardian Games event. During this event, all of the different classes in Destiny 2 compete to see who comes out as the best of the best Guardians. Following the Guardian Games, a two-month long content update will release. This update, called Destiny 2: Into the Light will “help Guardians prepare to take on the Witness and end the War of Light and Darkness in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.” Destiny 2: The Final Shape is scheduled to release on June 4, 2024.
Players can check out all of the Mass Effect x Destiny 2 in-game items now.