Saturday, March 1, 2025
Coming SoonNews

Second official Life is Strange novel Heatwaves releases in April

On Wednesday, the Life is Strange Twitter account announced that the second official LiS novel, Life is Strange: Heatwaves, will release through Titan Books on April 9. 2024.

Written by Brittany Morris, Life is Strange: Heatwaves is set after Life is Strange: True Colors and follows a “potential future adventure” for Alex and Steph. A drought has hit the small Colorado mountain town, and it’s brought a lot of secrets and small town drama bubbling to the surface.

Life is Strange: True Colors follows Alex Chen, a young woman who has come to stay with her brother to rebuild her life after staying in a mental facility for a while. Alex is an empath to the nth degree, able to not only sense, but also see other people’s emotions. This has made it difficult for her to be around others, but her treatment has helped, and she’s able to start a new life with her brother.

Along the way she meets Steph Gingrich, who we first met during Life is Strange: Before the Storm. The two bond over music and if you play your cards right, the two can even end up dating. The previous LiS tie-in novel was focused on her, in fact. It covered the time between her high school days in Arcadia Bay, moving to Seattle, and her arrival in Haven Springs.

Now fans of both Steph and Alex, and their relationship, will be able to see a potential future they have together by reading this book when it releases in April of next year,

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