Friday, February 21, 2025
Games NewsNews

Gamious reveals new Lake: Season’s Greetings trailer

Lake: Season’s Greetings is set to release this holiday season (which, if you want to feel dread, is only 5 months away), but that hasn’t stopped Gamious from showing off what we can expect to see in the upcoming DLC.

In Lake: Season’s Greetings, players are transported back to Providence Oaks – set a whole year before the original game, during the holiday season. Here you’ll play as Thomas Weiss – Meredith’s father. Instead of the nice, greens and yellows of a close-knit rural town, however, players (as Thomas) will deliver their mail and talk to people in the flinching, cold snow.

Because this DLC is set in a different season, the team at Gamious had to convey the wintery feel in new ways. A new trailer from the developers highlights the new snow effect features that gamers can expect to see when the game releases later in the year.

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The winter sights of Providence Oaks is a far cry from the spring of the original game. Gamious clearly wants to capture the ‘winter wonderland’ feel of the town, with the crunch of snow under Thomas’s boots, the footprints left behind, and the snow that he brings up as he moves from place to place. Even The Goose — the mail van that Thomas and Meredith use to deliver parcels and mail — leaves unique effects, such as tire tracks, behind.

Lake: Season’s Greetings will be released on PC and several other platforms this upcoming holiday season. Information on the exact release date will be revealed later in the year.

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