Thursday, January 16, 2025
Coming SoonNews

An all-female Final Fantasy XVI musical is in the works

On Monday Square Enix announced that there is a Final Fantasy XVI musical with an all-female cast played by the Takarazuka Revue theatre troupe in the works. Tickets will reportedly go on sale in April, while the actual show will have two limited-run performances in 2024.

The first run of the show will be performed at the Takarazuka Grand Theater in Hyogo, Japan from May through June 2024. A kabuki show version of Final Fantasy X has previously been performed there during early 2023. The second run of this show will be performed at the Takarazuka Theater in Tokyo during July and August 2024.

“Since its first release in 1987, the legendary role-playing game ‘FINAL FANTASY‘ series boasts over 180 million shipments and downloads worldwide,” the Takarazuka Revue wrote on its website announcement. “With its beautiful graphics, unique world view, and rich storytelling, it has fascinated people not only in Japan but around the world, and has developed a variety of media mixes beyond the boundaries of games, such as TV dramas, movies, and Kabuki. I was. FINAL FANTASY XVI (Final Fantasy 16), the latest in the series that was released in June 2023 and has created a sensation all over the world, will be performed at the Takarazuka Revue. Please look forward to the innovative musical work created by the collaboration of ‘Takarazuka Revue’ and ‘Final Fantasy.'”  

Because the Takarazuka Revue theater company is entirely made up of women, the musical interpretation will present a different take on the latest Final Fantasy game — which stars a cast of mostly men. It will certainly interesting for fans who are able to make it to the performances in Japan to see how the Takarazuka Revue actresses change up the source material and adapt it to fit their genders, the game’s queer content, and the musical format.

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