Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Games NewsNews

The best of BioWare’s video games are ridiculously cheap right now

Depending on who you ask, the topic of which games are the best from BioWare often varies. But let’s be honest, it’s a toss-up between the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, right? You ask a fan of BioWare what their favourite game is, and those two usually take the crown.

It’s not hard to believe the two franchises are so popular. Dragon Age 2 is the best game of all, after all. Anyway.

And now, just for those who perhaps haven’t played the dark fantasy of Dragon Age, or the epic sci-fi adventures depicted in Mass Effect, or for those who want to own the two series’ on a different platform… We’re pleased to point out that there’s currently a huge sale on Steam where you can nab not just one or two games, but the entirety of Mass Effect and Dragon Age. And the best part? It’s all available for less than £20/$20. What a steal!

The Dragon Age series follows different protagonists in each game, with Origins following The Warden, Hawke in 2, and The Inquisitor in Inquisition. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition, however, follows Commander Shepard in a trilogy of adventures that’ll have you fighting against a race of aliens that wants to wipe the galaxy from existence. Mass Effect: Andromeda, as divided as it made people, is also a stellar game that follows Ryder, a Pathfinder that looks to find a new home for humanity.

Here’s what you get when you purchase the BioWare Mega Collection (aka the best games BioWare has ever made) via Steam. It’s a real doozy, folks.

  • Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition
  • Dragon Age 2: Ultimate Edition
  • Dragon Age Inquisition: Game of the Year Edition
  • Mass Effect Legendary Edition
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda Deluxe Edition

Each game can take up to around 30-40 hours to complete, even if you’re doing the main questline and companion quests. That’s a lot of games to get through, but considering how enjoyable the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games are, we’re certain there won’t be any complaints from any who decide to snatch up this deal.

You can purchase the BioWare Mega Collection right now.

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