Friday, March 14, 2025

Heartstopper Volume 6 announced

On Wednesday, Alice Oseman announced that there will be a sixth and final volume of the Heartstopper graphic novel series on Twitter. This news came as part of Oseman’s announcement that the fifth volume will release on November 9, 2023.

“SOME NEWS! Heartstopper Volume 5 will be released on November 9th 2023 in the UK/Ireland/Australia/New Zealand.. and there will be a Vol 6, the final Heartstopper volume,” Oseman tweeted. “More info about Vol 5’s release in other countries coming soon! 🍂🌈🐶🏉”

This was a surprise for fans of the series, as Heartstopper was originally supposed to end with the fifth volume. Oseman ultimately realized that the story needed a bit more time to come to a satisfying conclusion, which warranted an additional entry to wrap everything up.

“I realized that I needed to properly explore how Nick and Charlie’s relationship progresses and give all the characters their moment to really shine,” they said. “So, that’s how we landed on Volume 5 AND a surprise Volume 6 – I really hope you’re excited to see a bit more from Heartstopper and I can’t wait for everyone to get their hands on Volume 5 in November!”

Beyond its diverse cast and solid representation, Oseman and Hearstopper have also been supporting the LGBTQIA+ community financially. The author has been using webcomincs platform Tapas to raise money for LGBTQIA+ charities and organizations; in March the comic raised $1200.02 (£972.07) for Gendered Intelligence, while it will benefit London Trans+ Pride 2023 in April.

Fans of the series in the UK/Ireland/Australia/New Zealand can look forward to snagging a copy of Heartstopper Volume 5 in November, while the rest of us will have to wait for future updates. We’re all in the same boat when it comes to the final volume, however, as more details are still to come.

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