Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Games NewsNews

Telltale’s The Expanse shows off new gameplay alongside choices and consequences

Telltale has shared 10 minutes of gameplay for their upcoming game, The Expanse: A Telltale Series.

The Expanse is a sci-fi series from author James S. A. Corey and Ty Franck. The series is set hundreds of years in the future, just after humankind has completely colonized the solar system. What starts as a missing person’s mystery soons spirals out of control into a race across the solar system, one that may just expose a great conspiracy of human history.

However, The Expanse: A Telltale Series does not retread that tale, but something else entirely with a character that was first introduced back in Season 2 of the TV series.

Players take on the role of Camina Drummer, a character who is known for her practical and utilitarian approach, wanting to get the job done no matter what, but knowing when to cut her losses and make the difficult decisions necessary to ensure unity among the people. She is pragmatic and can be seen as ruthless, but that hasn’t stopped her from being a favourite among other characters in The Expanse. Drummer is also a polyamorous queer woman, with a handful of husband and wives in the show. Whether they’ll be involved in-game has yet to be confirmed, but considering the game takes place before Season 1 of the TV series… Anything is possible!

In this brand new 10-minute video of gameplay, developers Zak Garriss (V.P. Story Development from Telltale) and Stephan Frost (Game Director from Deck Nine) talk through Camina Drummer’s exploration of the Urshanabi; a U.N.N ship torn apart by pirates, leaving a bloody wreckage in their wake. 

TellTale The Expanse
Image Source: Telltale / Deck Nine

The footage highlights the different choices they can make, with Camina discovering that one of her fellow crew members foot is stuck underneath a supply crate. Considering she works with a team of scavengers, a supply crate could feed them for months… However, with her crew member’s suit punctured and with air slowly running out, Camina must make a decision: cut off the member’s leg to get them to safety quickly and reap the benefits of the supply crate, or lose the crate and earn the gratitude of the crew member? There are choices and consequences a plenty.

Exploration and narrative also has a significant relationship with one another. As Camina explores, players can come across different items that both Gariss and Frost have stated will have the potential to “shift your relationship with characters”. So, players will need to be eagle-eyed and scavenge if they want to make optimal decisions throughout the game because some items can even affect the ending of the game itself.

The full 10-minute gameplay footage can be watched below, as well as on YouTube.

The Expanse: A Telltale series is expected to release for PC and leading consoles this Summer.

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