Monday, February 17, 2025
Coming SoonGames NewsNews

Apex Legends: Revelry launches on Valentine’s Day

Rejoice, Legends! The latest Apex Legends season, Revelry, will kick off on February 14. This season will double as a celebration of the game’s fourth anniversary, so there’s a lot of content in store for players heading into the Arena.

Arguably the biggest change coming to the battle royale with Apex Legends: Revelry is reworked Legend classes. As new Legends and maps have come out and impacted the meta, Respawn has decided to tweak how its characters are categorized based on their utility. This new system has five classes, each of which is meant to reflect the “core playstyle” of the Legends within them. Each class also has a unique gameplay ability, which isn’t exactly new (Recon classes used to be able to scan beacons for map information, for example), but now all of them have something to offer. The new classes and the Legends classified within them are as follows:

  • Bangalore
  • Revenant
  • Fuse
  • Ash
  • Mad Maggie
  • Mirage
  • Pathfinder
  • Wraith
  • Octane
  • Horizon
  • Valkyrie
  • Seer
  • Bloodhound
  • Vantage
  • Crypto
  • Gibraltar
  • Lifeline
  • Loba
  • Newcastle

The different class perks are as follows:

  • Assault – More ammo/stack, access red bins
  • Skirmisher – Reveal care packages
  • Recon – Survey beacon (reveal enemy locations)
  • Support – Craft banners, access blue bins
  • Controller – Ring console (reveal next circle)

Another big update coming with Apex Legends: Revelry is the addition of a Team Deathmatch game mode. According to Respawn, they saw that many players were gravitating towards the Control mode that had been introduced in other seasons and events as a way to play a fast mode to warm up for battle royale. To help with this, Team Deathmatch is a fast-spawning mode where players don’t have to worry about only having one life per game. Team Deathmatch is 6 vs. 6 and you choose your loadout when you spawn, similar to the Control mode. You can also change your Legend or loadout when you respawn. Shields regenerate over time, and it takes 30 kills for a team to win a round. Whichever team wins two rounds first wins the game.

Additionally, since many players have expressed that they want certain limited-time modes to be available all the time, Respawn is introducing the Mixtape feature. This is a playlist that will have both the Gun run and Control modes available on an alternating basis every 15 minutes, just like the map rotation in battle royale. For the first three weeks, only Team Deathmatch will be featured, but after that period Mixtape will go live rotating between Team Deathmatch, Control, and Gun Run.

Players that are new to Apex Legends will now be able to ease into the game a bit more with the new orientation matches. By using this queue, new players can practice against bot lobbies before taking on other people in the ring. This should be particularly handy, as Apex Legends: Revelry is also adding a new energy weapon, the Nemesis gun.

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