Thursday, March 13, 2025

All of the LGBTQIA characters in Destiny 2

Destiny 2: Lightfall is finally out, which means Guardians everywhere have brand new content to celebrate and explore. Whether you’re a die-hard fan, a lapsed player, or someone who’s checking the game out for the first time, there’s plenty to learn about this universe. Something you may not have realized if you’re lapsed or new, however, is that Destiny 2 is an extremely queer game, and pretty much always has been.

Since this game is pretty hefty in the lore department, we thought we’d help gaymers out a bit by highlighting all of the queer characters Destiny 2 has to offer.

All of the LGBTQ+ characters in Destiny 2

Scene of Osiris and Saint 14 kissing in the final cutscene of Destiny 2 Season 18
Image Source: Bungie
Osiris and Saint-14 – Gay couple

Osiris and Saint-14 are a longstanding gay couple in the Destiny 2 universe, having originally been confirmed as a canon pairing by Bungie senior narrative designer Robert Brookes on Twitter back in 2020. Osiris is a legendary Warlock and former Vanguard Commander who was obsessed with the Vex after his partner Saint-14 died within the Vex machine. He eventually saves Saint and returns to The Last City. In later story arcs, the Witch Queen Savathûn kidnaps him to use his form to hide from her sister and it becomes Saint’s turn to save him.

Saint-14 is an Exo (one of Destiny 2’s self-aware, humanoid machines) and one of the most famous Titans in history. Sensing that something was wrong with the imposter Osiris, Saint volunteered to apprehend him. He discovered the truth during this mission, and eventually went on to reunite with his partner after Mara Sov exorcised the Worm from Savathûn.

Mara Sov
Image Source: Bungie
Mara Sov – Bisexual

Mara Sov was a human born during the late Golden Age who went on to become the first of the Awoken. She then gained the titles of the Queen of the Reef, ruler of the Awoken, and former Kell of the House of Wolves. She had a female lover named Sjur Eido, who was the first Queen’s Wrath before she died in the Reef Wars. Mara Sov was declared deceased after the Awoken were defeated in the Battle of Saturn, though no bodies were actually found. She managed to save herself by hiding her soul in an Ascendant realm, where she snuck into Oryx’s version to scavenge him for parts after his eventual defeat. She later returned to the physical realm to help rule the Awoken again and to try to defeat the Hive gods, particularly Savathûn.

Destiny 2 LGBTQIA
Image Source: Bungie
Oryx – Transgender man

Oryx, the Taken King was originally born as one of the three daughters of the Osmium King. Their teacher felt that the sisters were not strong enough to succeed their father after he fell to senility madness, so they invited a rival kingdom to invade and kill the royal family. The siblings escaped and eventually managed to restore an advanced ship that took them to the depths of their world’s ocean, where they found the Virtuous Worm Gods. The Worms offered the three immortality in exchange for agreeing to be hosts to the Worms’ larvae — which they warned would consume the sisters if they stopped obeying their natures, and whose appetites would only grow as they increased their own power. The siblings accepted and took on the larvae. Oryx’s was the king morph, which made him a man and the new King of the Hive.

Image Source: Bungie
Anastasia “Ana” Bray – Lesbian

Ana taught the Warmind Rasputin independent thought in her position as a psycholinguist during her first life. She was later resurrected as a Lightbearer, but unlike other Guardians, she retained memories of her past life. She went on to become a hero of the Last City before disappearing to look into her origins. An Owl Sector agent named Camrin Dumuzi helped her out with this, and the two eventually fell in love and became lesbian partners.

Devrim Kay gay
Image Source: Bungie
Devrim Kay – Gay

Devrim is a human scout who works to help the Guardians’ recovery efforts in the European Dead Zone. He is married to a man named Marc and the two have an adopted daughter together named Suraya Hawthorne. He’s a bit of a linguist and also loves tea.

Destiny 2 LGBTQIA
Image Source: Bungie
Nimbus – Nonbinary

Nimbus is a Cloud Strider who features prominently in the Lightfall expansion. They are described as “a bit smug, boisterous, and fun-loving.”

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