5 things we’d like to see in Wednesday Season 2
Netflix’s Wednedsay has been nothing short of a hit, knocking Stranger Things off its pedestal in its very first week and becoming the streaming service’s biggest English language show. If that doesn’t seal the deal for a Wednesday Season 2 then we don’t know what will.
The Addams Family’s legacy has only grown stronger over the years, and Wednesday seems to be offering something new and juicy for both old and new viewers to get stuck in. The first season follows the titular character (played by Jenna Ortega) attending the school of Nevermore, an institution that educates ‘outcasts’ – groups of people that range from sirens to werewolves and everything else in between. No matter who you are, if you’re a bit kooky then Nevermore is happy to have you.
As expected from a character that likes to dissect dolls for fun, Wednesday at first chafes against the restrictions of school life and the togetherness of outcast community within Nevermore. However once a murder plot is uncovered Wednesday begins to (quite reluctantly at times) embrace her newfound friends, such as roommate Enid Sinclair (Emma Myers), and bee-loving Eugene (Moosa Mostafa). She even gets her very own frienemy in Bianca Barlay (Joy Sunday), a popular siren.
Wednesday doesn’t just find friends at Nevermore though. She also, somehow, finds herself in a love triangle with tortured artist Xavier Thorpe (Percy Hynes White) and the sheriff’s son, Tyler Galpin (Hunter Doohan).
At the end of the first season though, a lot of things come to a head, leaving us with more questions than answers. With that in mind, we’ve listed 5 different things we’d like to see Wednesday Season 2 address and explore more of. That said, the following will have spoilers for the entirety of the first season of Wednesday. If you haven’t watched the series just yet, we advise not reading ahead.

More Bianca Barclay
Joy Sunday as Bianca Barclay was show-stealing right from her very first appearance. Described as one of the most popular girls in school, Bianca is also a siren – a creature that can control others and what they’re feeling through their voice. Her first encounter with Wednesday during fencing class first sets up the two girls as enemies, which continues right up until episode 4 where they have a heart-to-heart.
As the season continued, we learn that Bianca’s mother uses a self-help app (alongside a little siren magic) to scam money out of people who use it. Bianca, already a reserved character who doesn’t feel positively about her powers due to how it leaves her second-guessing everyone’s feelings towards her, can smell her mother’s BS from a mile off, but that doesn’t stop her maternal figure from blackmailing her. Bianca has a choice: help her mother continue to scam people or she’ll tell the principal that Bianca got into Nevermore through using her powers.
Bianca’s predicament doesn’t get solved by the end of the first season. She’s still got her mother out to get her, with the only real difference being that now she’s got Wednesday to back her up. Even so, it wouldn’t hurt for Season 2 to focus not just on Bianca and her background, but her growing relationship with our favourite Addams. Allies they may be, but friends? Not quite. Hopefully Wednesday Season 2 fixes that.

Gwendoline Christie’s return as Principal Weems
While Wednesday was a major win for Netflix, some of the decisions made in season one has left us and other fans a little cold. One big L for Tim Burton’s Netflix series was the sudden demise of Gwendoline Christie’s character, Principal Weems, in the finale.
Principal Weems serves in a somewhat antagonistic role for Wednesday. She clearly values the school of Nevermore, having been educated there alongside Wednesday’s parents, Gomez and Morticia. However unlike Wednesday, she is willing to turn a blind eye as long as Nevermore remains safe and sound from the normies that live in the town of Jericho. So it was a big deal when she joined forces with Wednesday in the finale, revealing the true villain behind everything to be Thornhill.
Unfortunately we never did get to see Weems and Wednesday come together as friends, because Thornhill jabbed her in the neck with a deadly Nightshade poison – robbing us of that closure and the absolute pleasure that is Gwendoline Christie. A disappointing end in all honesty, and one that bummed out more than a few fans.
But, according to Christie anyway, this may not be the last we’ll see of Weems. “We haven’t seen her put in the ground, have we?” Christie told Digital Spy. “I feel like Larissa Weems would not really be prepared to entertain or be dominated by anything as commonplace as death.”

Zero love triangles
One of the most frustrating aspects of Netflix’s Wednesday was the mind-boggling focus on two of the blandest boys in the world for our titular protagonist. Despite showing a complete lack of romantic interest (and interest in general in the case of Xavier) for her two love interests, the artist Xavier and barista Tyler, neither boy are able to keep their minds off Wednesday.
The worst thing about the love triangle is that we really can’t tell if the show genuinely wanted us to root for one of the two boys, or if this was just a scathing message on how, despite giving zero signals, the boys just want to ‘crack’ the ice queen that is Wednesday Addams. It also doesn’t help that the guy Wednesday ends up kissing is a serial killer, but to be honest? That’s not too surprising, nor out of character for her. It still doesn’t stop her threadbare relationships with either man being enough to bore you to tears.
Even Jenna Ortega, Wednesday’s actress, isn’t a big fan of the love triangle. “I told them very early on that I did not want her to be in the middle of a love triangle,” the actress told ExtraTV.
If that’s one thing we can avoid in Wednesday Season 2, we’d be eternally grateful.

The Addams Family
Wednesday was always going to be a show that would pull fans (new and old) in different directions. The focus on Wednesday was, of course, to be expected, but that didn’t stop fans from wanting to know more about what the other legendary members of the Addams Family was up to. We got a taste during the first episode, as well as a few other episodes when the family returned for Parent Weekend. But was it enough? Not really.
Catherine Zeta-Jones in particular has got us by the throat with her performance as Morticia. Her relationship with Wednesday starts off rocky, but comes into one of its own during the later episodes when the pair work together to help free Gomez from jail. The two are alike in many ways and is arguably one of the more interesting relationships portrayed in the show. It’s also one that, unlike Enid and Bianca’s relationships with their mothers, seems to be born from understanding and love.
Then there’s Uncle Fester (Fred Armisen), who made quite the splash with his appearance. Despite the kookiness of the Addams family, Fester is actually seen as the black sheep of the family. That doesn’t stop him from playing off Wednesday’s apathy with a delightful black humour that had us rolling with each quick quip.
More Addams Family please, Netflix – it’s what we value.

Would it really be a Wednesday Season 2 wishlist if we didn’t mention the downright adorable relationship that Wednesday has with her roommate and best friend, Enid Sinclair?
From the get-go it is established that Wednesday and Enid are two very different girls. Wednesday loves the macabre and is down to torture and maim anyone who gets in the way of her goal. On the other hand, Enid is a ray of sunshine who, despite the ‘image’ of being a werewolf, loves all things cute and cuddly. She even has rainbow-coloured claws, because we guess subtlety and subtext is dead and cowardly. The point is: the two are major opposites in every way.
However, the two being opposites doesn’t stop the two from developing a friendship which, admittedly, is more thanks to Enid than Wednesday. Wednesday’s relationships are rather manipulative for the most part, but it’s only when Enid calls her out on this that Wednesday comes to understand that the way she treats people isn’t exactly a good thing. That and maybe being alone? It isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.
Regardless of whether Enid and Wednesday’s relationship sticks to friendship or takes a romantic turn, we can’t deny that the emotional climax of the first season was the hug the two shared. A running gag between the two has been that, despite Enid clearly wanting to, they’ve yet to share a hug. So when Wednesday not only accepted Enid’s embrace, but returned it with a hug of her own? That’s what we call a cinematic masterpiece, baby.