Thursday, January 23, 2025

Rivals of Waterdeep launches IndieGoGo campaign to finish the show

On Wednesday actual play podcast Rivals of Waterdeep announced that they are running an IndieGoGo campaign to help fund the final two seasons of the show after Wizards of the Coast’s funding for the show ends during the fourteenth season’s midpoint.

Rivals of Waterdeep is an actual play podcast using the 5e format of Dungeons & Dragons that features a cast of all people of color. Gayming icon Tanya DePass has been part of the show since its inception.

“As you may have heard at the close of our 13th Season, we’re going to be totally independent of Wizards of the Coast funding as of the midpoint of our 14th season. This can mean the end of Rivals’ story with the upcoming season; but none of us want that as we have a bit more of their tale to tell,” the creators of the show wrote on their fundraising page. “What we’re asking for is help to finish off our story, and make space for new ones. We know it’s a big ask, but running a show costs money and none of the crew is independently wealthy to make that happen on our own.”

The Rivals of Waterdeep team are looking to raise $60,000 to finish the project out. According to the IndieGoGo page, this money will be used to make the last two seasons of the show with the same production value, cast support, and podcast version they’ve had for the first 13 seasons. The number also accounts for the fees associated with running the campaign through IndieGoGo, and any additonal expenses that may come up like character art or travel for cast members.

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