Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hooked on You Romance Guide – How to romance all the Dead by Daylight Killers

Ever wanted to romance and kiss of the Dead by Daylight killers? Well, now you can thanks to Hooked On You, a dating simulator game that helps players guide their affections towards their favourite Killers in the hope that they’ll experience a romance of a lifetime… or die trying.

Hooked On You sadly doesn’t offer the full roster when it comes to Dead by Daylight Killers, but it does offer you four of the very best. We are, of course, talking about The Huntress, The Wraith, The Spirit and The Trapper.

All Killers are available to romance in Hooked On You, but first players will need to make the right dialogue choices and try their best at the mini-games provided to make their love (or lust) stand out from the crowd. Because there are multiple different endings for each Killer, however, getting the romance ending for your favourite bunch of psychopaths is much harder than it looks.

Thankfully, we’re here to help! Our guide isn’t fully complete at the moment, but we’ll continue to update it as we continue to discover new and exciting things about each romance route, and the endings you can experience.

Hooked On You The Trapper Romance
Image Source: Psyop
Hooked On You Romance Guide – The Trapper Romance

If The Trapper could be summarized in a way that was positive and not at all disturbing, then he wouldn’t be The Trapper, now would he?

Yes indeed, The Trapper is the gnarliest Killer of all the romance options that are available and if you want even a sliver of a chance with him, you’re going to have to portray yourself as the nastiest, most evil, Dwight-kicking son-of-a-gun that lives on Murderers Island. If that’s not your cup of tea, then you might want to go for The Wraith or even The Spirit instead.

But if that’s exactly what you look for in your Killers, then read on.

How to get the best ending for The Trapper romance in Hooked On You

There are 3 different endings you can get with all of the Killers you meet, but the best ending is obviously the one where The Trapper doesn’t kill you and puts on a spit. Instead he just declares his love for you. Aw, isn’t that nice?

Now as we’re looking for only the best options, we’ve noted down all of the things you should say to in order to get into Evan Macmillan’s (spoiler?) huge pants. But before we show you these notes, here’s a few things to keep in mind if you want to romance The Trapper.

  • He admires strength
  • He likes if you’re horrible to Claudette, Dwight and The Wraith
  • He is a bit of a tsundere
  • Try your best to score high on mini-games to earn more approval

With that in mind, here’s all of the dialogue choices we made in order to appeal to the Trapper’s blackened, barely-beating-at-all heart. And be aware, there may be some spoilers ahead.

  • When asked to throw the ball back, say ‘No thanks’
  • Say ‘very attractive’
  • When asked about your superhero power, say ‘Super strength’
  • When asked about your favourite school subject, say ‘skipping class’ or ‘math’
  • When asked about favourite animal, say any pet
  • Say any colour when asked about favourite colour
  • Say any job when asked about job
  • Say any flavour when asked
  • Go to Trapper’s Yacht for your first Activity choice
  • When asked what food you’d like served, say ‘beef’
  • Choose the ‘get rid of them’ option with Claudette and Dwight
  • Choose the ‘get to know The Trapper’ option
  • When asked why you’re not eating, comment that ‘it’s gross’
  • When asked if you’d like to see Trapper’s drawing, say ‘No’
  • Choose the ‘follow quietly’ option
  • When asked your opinion, say ‘it’s magnificent’
  • Choose The Trapper during the first Story Time session
  • After The Trapper’s story, say ‘Now THAT’S a story!’
  • When asked about the message of the story, say ‘to show honesty is important’
  • When The Trapper attacks Claudette and Dwight, laugh at his cleaver toss
  • Choose The Trapper to go on a date with.
  • When The Trapper asks you why you think you shouldn’t go by the water, choose the ‘assume it’s a trap’ option
  • Say ‘don’t tell me what to do!’ to The Trapper
  • Reject The Trickster when he interrupts your date
  • Tell The Trickster he hasn’t proven his worth
  • Once more say no to The Trickster
  • Snoop around The Trapper’s secret cave (not an euphemism)
  • Say ‘hell yeah’ when offered some of The Trapper’s moonshine
  • Remain loyal to Trapper when approached by The Huntress
  • Tell The Trapper that you dont want kids
  • When given the opportunity to talk about your date, instead say nothing
  • Tell an Action Story during the Second Story Time Activity
  • Pick The Trapper to tell a story
  • After The Trapper’s story, stay silent
  • For your third activity, pick The Trapper
  • During The Trapper’s activity, say ‘it’s another test’
  • Say ‘Maybe, maybe not’
  • Say ‘you understand’.
  • Choose to eliminate someone that isn’t The Trapper
Hooked On You The Trapper Romance
Hooked On You’s Trapper Romance will never make you feel more aware than it does here

During this part of the game, you’ll be nearing the end of the romance route. Throughout all this time, you’ll have been given gold coins by The Trapper. He only does this if you’ve pleased him, so if you’ve followed our guide so far you’ll have at least 3-4 already.

However this part of The Trapper’s romance route is key, as it leads from The Trapper’s unique date right until the very end. So pay attention and you’ll get the best romance ending for The Trapper.

  • When asked what you wish for, say ‘Power’
  • Ask The Trapper what he looks for in a partner, or whether he has slept with any of the other Killers
  • During The Trapper’s dating activity, say ‘only if you promise not to kill me’
  • Tell The Trapper your darkest secret
  • Tell The Trapper his father sounds like a monster
  • Be an ass to The Trapper’s father with whichever dialogue option works for you
  • Say you don’t believe The Trapper
  • It doesn’t matter what options you pick in regards to questioning The Trapper’s father

During the quiz that The Trapper’s father gives you, answer in the following way:

  • Never
  • A partner in crime
  • Literally
  • Yes

After the quiz, do the following:

  • Look around
  • Say ‘Finally, let’s do this!’
  • Say ‘yes’
  • Say you’ll only kill depending on the person
  • Say no to killing The Trapper’s father
  • Say you would never kill a Macmillan man
  • Say you love The Trapper
  • … or don’t and get an hilarious ending instead.

Regardless of how you end your story, these options are guaranteed to get you the perfect ending with The Trapper.

Hooked On You The Huntress Romance
Image Source: Psyop
Hooked On You Romance Guide – The Huntress Romance

Who is the best Dead by Daylight Killer and why is it The Huntress? Come on, you know it makes sense.

Unlike The Trapper, The Huntress is a romance option that doesn’t quire you to be a total ass to everyone around you, and what’s more, you’ll actually be able to show a bit of a sensitive side. Though not too sensitive… Unless you want The Huntress to think you’re a weak target and eat you for breakfast. Again, we’re not kidding.

But if cannibalism doesn’t put you off, read on to find out how to win The Huntress’ heart.

How to get the best ending for The Huntress romance in Hooked On You

There are 3 different endings you can get with all of the Killers you meet, with the best ending obviously being the one where The Huntress and you run off together and make a lot of feral babies.

Now as we’re looking for only the best options, we’ve noted down all of the things you should say to in order to get the best ending for The Huntress. But before we show you these notes, here’s a few things to keep in mind if you want to romance The Huntress

  • She admires creativity and grit
  • She doesn’t like being teased – so don’t do it!
  • The Huntress values family above all else
  • Try your best to score high on mini-games to earn more approval

With that in mind, here’s all of the dialogue choices we made in order to appeal to The Huntress’ JACKED body and hungry heart. And be aware, there may be some spoilers ahead.

  • Toss the ball back
  • Say you’re average when asked how attractive you are
  • Say any answer when asked your favourite super power
  • Say any subject
  • Say dog when asked favourite pet
  • Say three day old corpse
  • Say any job
  • Say any flavour
  • Choose to finish the volleyball game
  • Choose The Huntress to cheer for
  • Chat up The Huntress
  • Say you’ve got ‘Imagination’
  • Say ‘I’m Sorry’ during Meal Time
  • Accept The Huntress’ jerky when prompted
  • Show The Huntress a ‘new thing or two’
  • Pick The Huntress for the first Story Time Activity
  • Join in singing
  • Say ‘No way, that’s awesome!’
  • Choose the ‘Chuckle awkwardly’ option
  • Summon The Huntress to your side
  • Choose The Huntress to go on a date with
  • Comment on The Huntress’s trinkets by saying ‘It’s…so much!’
  • Grab the Shaskra off the wall
  • Say ‘of course’ you want to start a family!
  • Validate The Huntress’ theory
  • Reject The Trapper
  • Keep on rejecting The Trapper
  • Do well on the hiding mini game or tell The Huntress you’re having fun
  • Say ‘like what?’
  • Tell everyone about your ‘Brush with Death’
  • Thank Dwight and Claudette
  • Tell a story (Romance) at the Second Story Time Activity
  • Choose The Huntress to tell a story
  • Choose The Huntress for the Evening Activity
  • Choose the Angler Fish mask
  • Say ‘Should we just get out of here?’
Hooked On You The Huntress Romance
POV: You’re about to be eaten in the best of ways

During this small and brief activity with The Huntress, you’ll be asked questions about three types of mushrooms. Below are all of the correct answers.

  • Choose the black mushroom
  • Choose the yellow mushroom
  • Choose the green mushroom

Afterwards, you’ll continue with the date. These last few choices are essential to getting the best ending, so pay close attention and remember, no teasing The Huntress unless you want an axe to the face!

  • Admit the other Killers are hot
  • Say you’d kill them all
  • Eliminate a Killer that isn’t The Huntress
  • Choose The Huntress as your date
  • Freak out
  • Say ‘HELL YES!’
  • Complete The Huntress’ mini games
  • Say ‘it’s an honor to meet you!’
  • Say ‘of course!’
  • Say you want to start a family with The Huntress
  • Chop up Dwight and Claudette
  • Confess your love to The Huntress
  • Or not…If you want the bad ending.

No matter how you end your story, these options are guaranteed to get you the perfect ending with The Huntress.

Hooked On You The Spirit Romance
Image Source: Psyop
Hooked On You Romance Guide – The Spirit Romance

There’s no Dead by Daylight Killer quite like The Spirit, which already makes her a popular choice for players desperate to get to know Rin Yamoaka in Hooked On You. Seriously, just look at her pulling off that big, floppy beach hat. Perfection!

The Spirit isn’t quite as brutal as The Huntress or The Trapper, but she has plenty of baggage and snark to bring to the table. So if you love sarcastic, dead-inside-and-out goth girls, then there truly is no other choice but do your utmost in trying to get to know The Spirit a little better. But be careful, come across too strong and there’s a likely chance you’ll get a katana to the face.

But if that’s exactly what you look for when it comes to romancing Killers, then read on!

How to get the best ending for The Spirit romance in Hooked On You

There are 3 different endings you can get with all of the Killers you meet. With The Spirit, the best ending revolves around you both being somewhat alive, and down to cause havoc to the society you both live in. Because, uh, we live in a society? Anyway.

Now as we’re looking for only the best options, we’ve noted down all of the things you should say to in order to get the best ending with The Spirit. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) this includes going through a route that reveals this fogbody is into feet. Sorry to spoil that one, but wanted to warn you normal people, just in case.

Right. Now that’s sorted, here’s a few things to keep in mind if you want to romance The Spirit.

  • She appreciates the arts – books, theatre, music, etc
  • Are you an edgelord? The Spirit LOVES edgelords
  • The Spirit likes when you take a negative view on the world
  • Try your best to score high on mini-games to earn more approval

With that in mind, here’s all of the dialogue choices we made in order to win over The Spirit. And be aware, there may be some spoilers ahead.

  • Say nothing. Do nothing
  • Say you’re not very attractive at all
  • Say you’d like the super power of Flight
  • Say History was your favourite subject at school
  • Say Cat is your favourite animal
  • You can pick any colour to be your favourite
  • Say your dream job is not working at all
  • You can pick any flavour as your favourite
  • Follow The Spirit’s suggestion and hang out at the lounge
  • Choose a Virgin Daiquiri
  • Choose Dracula as your favourite book
  • Get The Spirit during Spin the Bottle
  • Say ‘I’m Sorry’ during Meal time
  • Say you’ve always been alone
  • Say there’s nothing but darkness inside you
  • Choose The Spirit for the first Story Time Activity
  • Say nothing but hug her
  • When The Spirit asks if you believe her, say ‘who cares?’
  • Summon The Spirit to your side during the night
  • Pick The Spirit to go on a date with
  • Say ‘Thanks’
  • Say ‘Sure, why not?’
  • Comment on the pieces of glass sticking out of The Spirit’s body
  • Reject The Wraith and choose The Spirit
  • Say ‘Frustrated’ when asked about the cherry blossoms
  • Be coy about your date with The Spirit
  • Be kind to Claudette and Dwight
  • Tell a Story (Romance)
  • Pick The Spirit for the Second Story Time Activity
  • Pick The Spirit for the evening activity
  • Decide to stay sober
  • Choose Dark and Stormy
  • Eliminate a Killer that isn’t The Spirit
  • Choose The Spirit as your date
  • Take the risk, possibly die
  • Look into The Spirit’s eyes
  • Say something
Hooked On You The Spirit Romance
Are you sure you want to marry into this?

During the latter half of The Spirit’s route, you’ll be asked questions by an old flame of The Spirit’s – who we won’t mention by name, because uh, spoilers. The following are the correct answers, and are important to getting the best ending.

– Rin Yamaoka
– A Dragon
– Restaurant
– Black
– Not being seen for who you really are

After the quiz, you’ll only have one last option left to do to get the best ending. If you decide not to do the below choice, you’ll get the chance to break The Spirit’s heart instead, you monster, you!

– Agree to Kill Dwight

Sorry Dwight, we have a sinking feeling that you’re just not going to survive a lot of these playthroughs. Oh well, at least you’ve bagged yourself a new goth girlfriend.

hooked on you the wraith romance
Image Source: Psyop
Hooked On You Romance Guide – The Wraith Romance

Now you might be thinking that just like the other Killers in Hooked On You, you’ll have to do something pretty damn awful to explore the wonderland that is inside The Wraith’s beach shorts. And you’d only be somewhat right! But let’s not spoil things, shall we?

The Wraith is probably the most awkward romance option in Hooked On You, which you may feel will make it easier to date him. But no, not really, he is just so awkward because even the kindest, most affiable options may end up only making him look inadequate. The Wraith really doesn’t like that.

Thankfully, you’ve got us to help you out. Read on!

How to get the best ending for The Wraith romance in Hooked On You

The Wraith, like the other Killers, has 3 different endings to unlock. Of course, the one you’re looking for is no doubt the one where you’re not absolutely getting gutted like a fish and instead letting The Wraith bing your bong. You know what we mean.

Now as we’re looking for only the best options, we’ve noted down all of the things you should say to in order to get the best ending with The Wraith. Trust us, this man is so awkward you’re going to need all the help you can get.

Here’s a few things to keep in mind if you want to romance The Wraith.

  • He doesn’t like you being blunt – play it coy!
  • Don’t be mean to the Survivors
  • Be the Anti-Trapper aka BE NICE to people!
  • Try your best to score high on mini-games to earn more approval

With that in mind, here’s all of the dialogue choices we made in order to touch The Wraith’s bell. Yeah, we said it…

  • Kick the ball back
  • Say you’re not very attractive at all
  • Say you’d like the super power of Invisibility
  • Say Math was your favourite subject at school
  • Say Dog is your favourite animal
  • You can pick any colour to be your favourite
  • Say your dream job is an Astronaut
  • You can pick any flavour as your favourite
  • Follow The Wraith’s suggestion and hang out at the pool
  • Choose the Goggles and Snorkle
  • Choose the Hands Off option
  • Do well in the Marco Polo mini game
  • Defend Dwight
  • Say ‘I’m Sorry’ during Meal Time
  • Say ‘No’ to The Wraith
  • Hold the bell delicately
  • Choose The Wraith for the first Story Time Activity
  • Ask about the story
  • Say you would forgive the man in the story
  • Say ‘Yes and No’
  • Summon The Wraith to your side
  • Pick The Wraith for your date
  • Break the silence
  • Say ‘I have no idea’
  • Pour out the potions
  • Say ‘I remember my grandmother’
  • Comment on it being a beautiful night
POV: You’re about to ring his bell

The following are the answers to the Constellation quiz. While it doesn’t matter if you don’t get them all right, if you want to impress The Wraith then you should probably go all out, right?

  • Cetus
  • The Zodiac
  • Horoglium
  • Choose Truth
  • Say ‘That’s a great question’
  • Choose Cactus
  • Choose ‘Take off your shirt’
  • Reject The Spirit
  • Look at the map/wall/book
  • Say you had a great time
  • Tell a story (Romance)
  • Choose The Wraith for the second Story Time Activity
  • Choose The Wraith for the Night Time Activity
  • Give The Wraith a massage
  • Suggest getting down and dirty in the sand
  • Sculpt Dwight into a Sand Mermaid
  • Call Wraith over to help
  • Eliminate someone who isn’t The Wraith
  • Choose The Wraith
  • Say ‘I can’t stand anyone else’
  • Pick up the gold coin
  • Complete looking for The Wraith’s Bell
  • Ask what you’re finishing
  • Choose ‘A Statue of a Horse’
  • Choose ‘Cactus’
  • Play the mini game you’ve not played before
  • Accept The Wraith’s love

Well, with that all done, you’ve finally completed Hooked On You’s romance routes. Well done you! Now you can go back to killing Survivors on Dead by Daylight and…

Oh wait.

Hooked On You The Trickster Romance
Image Source: Psyop
Hooked On You Romance Guide – The Trickster Romance

Yes the teasing and prodding by the developers of Hooked On You may have had you thinking that you’d get a chance with The Trickster and his bazillion abs, however… That isn’t exactly the case.

If you’re expecting a full-blown romance route like you’ve had with the others in this game, then you’re going to be disappointed. BUT – and it’s a big but – you do get a moment with this diva after having successfully gone through all 8 different endings of Hooked On You. That means you’ll have to have seen both the best and worst ending for The Trapper, The Huntress, The Spirit and The Wraith.

Once that’s done, play another route and well, you’ll see just how close to The Trickster you can get.

Hooked On You is available to play now on PC, via Steam.

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