Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Industry NewsNews

Nintendo recognises same-sex marriage for employees

Nintendo has updated its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) page in order to reflect its recognition and acceptance of same-sex marriage.

On the CSR page, under a new section titled Introduction of a Partnership System, Nintendo details that in March 2021 it introduced the system in order to empower and support “each and every one” of their employees – regardless of whether they are in a same-sex marriage or not. This goes directly against Japanese law, which currently doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.

As observed by Eurogamer, Japan also requires transgender people to go through surgical sterilization before their gender identity can be legally recognized.

Nintendo acknowledges that the Japanese government does not recognize same-sex marriage on the CSR page, however, reiterates that its new system ensures “employees who are in a domestic partnership with a same-sex partner have the same benefits as employees in an opposite-sex marriage.” The statement continues, “we have also established that a common-law marriage between couples will be observed in the same way as a legal marriage.”

Alongside their new system, Nintendo also revised its Code of Conduct regarding harassment to clearly prohibit “discriminatory comments based on sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as disclosing someone’s privately held sexual orientation against their will.”

“Alongside the introduction of the Partnership System in Japan, we notified our employees about the issue of gender diversity with a message from our President as a means of raising awareness of what diversity means.” The statement reads. “In this message, the President called for all employees to adopt a renewed understanding that even speech and actions, which are not intended to harm, can cause significant emotional pain, asking for understanding and support to create an environment in which everyone can work comfortably.”

To read the full OSR statement from Nintendo, visit their official page here.

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